Beetroot is one of the four main crops in Minecraft, alongside carrots, potatoes, and wheat. These are all valuable in their own way and can each provide a valuable food source. However, some are easier to come by than others. Perhaps the most difficult to acquire is beetroot.
Minecraft carrots and potatoes have a 2.5% chance of dropping from mobs such as zombies, husks or zombie villagers. Looting will increase that. Wheat is grown from seeds that can easily be acquired by breaking grass. Beetroot, however, can't be found any of those ways.
Here's how to find it.
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Finding beetroot in Minecraft
Currently, beetroot is the rarest crop in Minecraft. Unlike all the rest, there is only one way to acquire it. If it naturally spawns at a village, it can be collected, or it won't be found anywhere.
Beetroot doesn't drop from any mobs, nor does it spawn in any loot in any chests or structures. It is the rarest crop because it does not spawn naturally like pumpkins or melons.
Beetroot can be obtained from harvesting a fully grown block, which drops 1 beetroot and up to four seeds. These crops can then be planted to grow more but will only naturally spawn in villages.
Villages can be found in most biomes. The most common biomes that spawn villages are spruce, plains and desert. If a garden with beetroot doesn't spawn in a village, players will be out of luck.
If players are able to acquire beetroot and begin a farm, they can use it for a lot of different things.
Beetroot can be used to craft beetroot soup. It takes one bowl and six beetroot. It can also be used to craft red dye. Additionally, beetroot can be eaten to restore 1 hunger and 1.2 hunger saturation, so standard Minecraft beetroot isn't the best food source.

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