Mushrooms might not seem like an important item in Minecraft, but they have several good uses. One of the best food items in the game requires mushrooms, so that alone is reason enough to search for them. In the game, there are two different types of mushrooms: brown and red.
Brown mushrooms are a bit more common, but they're both equally useful. They have several uses in crafting recipes and more. Here's how to get them and what to do with them.
Uses and places to find brown mushrooms in Minecraft
The easiest place to find mushrooms of either kind is in the Mushroom Fields biome. There, they generate amply on the ground and have often grown into full mushroom trees. Unfortunately, that biome is potentially the rarest alongside the Badlands.
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Otherwise, mushrooms naturally generate in areas of low light, which is defined as a light level equal to or less than 12. They are fairly common in caves. In those areas, there is a 12.5% chance for a red mushroom to spawn. It's 25% for brown mushrooms.
Mushrooms of both kinds also generate on the surface in these biomes: Swamp, old growth taiga and the Nether. In Java Edition, mushrooms can grow on the bedrock ceiling of the Nether, too.
There are also mushroom rooms in Woodland Mansions that generate the item, so there's a random chance there will be brown mushrooms as opposed to red ones.
Mushroom trees can generate in dark oak forests, so players can mine those without Silk Touch to get one mushroom per block.
In Bedrock Edition, fallen oak, birch, spruce and jungle trees can have up to two mushrooms on them. The only other way, and perhaps the most frugal one to collect them, is by shearing a mooshroom.
One mooshroom drops five mushrooms of their color and turns into a cow. Unfortunately, that's not a farmable action since they don't stay as mooshrooms.
Once players get brown mushrooms, they can be used in several different ways. On nylium, podzol or mycelium at any light level, they can be grown into mushroom trees to start a farm for them.
Brown Minecraft mushrooms are a key ingredient in fermented spider eyes. Both mushrooms and a bowl will craft mushroom stew, one of the strongest food items in the game.
Adding a flower to that recipe makes suspicious stew. One cooked rabbit, one carrot, one baked potato, one mushroom and a bowl are the ingredients for rabbit stew.
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