In Minecraft, Amethyst is a new item introduced in part one of the 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update released on June 8th 2021. This update introduced players to lots of new items and sounds too!
Amethyst is seen in Lush Cave biomes. Players will know they are lucky and have located Amethyst when they come across smooth basalt. The resource is usually seen under or around basalt and surrounded by calcite.
Players will know they hit an Amethyst room when they see the bright sparkling purple blocks in one big part of the cave. The block also makes a loud sound when players walk over it. The player will need the silk touch enchantment to mine the Amethyst.
If the resource is mined with anything other than silk touch enchantment, the block will break and the player will not be able to pick up the Amethyst to place it into their inventory.
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There are different variants of Amethyst that players can discover. These include Amethyst buds, Amethyst Clusters, Amethyst blocks and Amethyst shards. Budding Amethyst is the only block that can be used to grow Amethyst.
Without budding Amethyst, players will not be able to grow any other kind of Amethyst. Players can place buds on other blocks, but the resource will not grow any further unless placed on a budding block.
Ways to Obtain Budding Amethyst in Minecraft
Creative Mode

Budding Amethyst cannot be obtained by using a crafting menu or a furnace. It will immediately break if it is pushed or pulled by a sticky piston. Players will need to go to creative to obtain the item. Players can open the inventory menu in creative and they will see mostly all of the obtainable Minecraft survival blocks and lots of other materials.
Minecraft players can type in budding amethyst and obtain the block from this creative inventory.
Give Command

The only alternative way for players to obtain Budding Amethyst is by using the give command. Commands allow players to get things in-game without having to look for it.
Commands in Minecraft are basically cheats in the game, and players will have to turn them on when creating the world. The give command allows players to request an item from the game and it will be granted to them.
Players can use the give command by typing in "/give" and then what they want. For example "/give @budding amethyst" will allow players to obtain budding amethyst by using the command.
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