Minecraft players on the hunt for buried treasure will likely need a treasure map to find it unless they are incredibly lucky or nuanced in their searching methods.
Introduced in Minecraft: Java Edition version 1.13, treasure maps are instrumental in finding buried treasure in most instances. Whereas players can still find hidden structures without explorer maps, finding a treasure chest the size of one block among the massive amount of sand in a beach or ocean biome is like finding a needle in a haystack.
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However, with a treasure map, players are given substantial indication of where a treasure is buried even if they don't know its precise elevation.
Minecraft: Where to find treasure maps

The key structures that Minecraft players will want to search for in order to find treasure maps in Survival Mode are shipwrecks and underwater ruins.
Buried treasure maps are guaranteed to be found in a specific loot chest in shipwrecks while having a 41.7-45.3% chance to appear in underwater ruin chests depending on the ruin's size.
Both of these structures naturally appear underwater as their names suggest, although occasionally Minecraft's generation will place them above-ground.
Shipwrecks generate in the following Minecraft biomes:
- All ocean biomes
- Beach biomes
- Snowy beach biomes
- Mushroom field shore biomes (Bedrock Edition only)
Underwater ruins can be found in the biomes below:
- All ocean biomes regardless of temperature
- Beach biomes
Shipwrecks are instantly noticeable due to their shape and block composition, made primarily of wood blocks. Underwater ruins can be slightly harder to spot while underwater, as they are composed of either stone bricks or sandstone, which may not stand out as significantly.
This is especially true in low light levels at deeper altitudes while in ocean biomes, which quickly become incredibly dark without proper light sources. Once players have found the structures, however, the search for their loot chests begins.
Shipwrecks in Minecraft can generate in many different structured variants, and can carry a maximum of up to three loot chests. Typically, the bow (front) of the ship will possess one loot chest, while the stern (back) of the ship will generate two chests. Depending on the variant, however, there may be less than three total chests.
There are many factors that influence this, including the shipwreck's condition and the circumstances that it has generated into. If all three chests are available, one will be known as a map chest and will carry lots of paper, potentially some feathers, and a guaranteed treasure map.
Underwater ruins have a small (30%) chance to generate as large underwater ruins and a larger (70%) chance of generating into a smaller ruin in Minecraft. However, in the event the ruin does spawn as a large variant, it has a 90% chance of spawning small ruins around it in a clustered formation.
This increases the chances of finding a loot chest that rewards players with a buried treasure map, since they aren't guaranteed in underwater ruins. The two generated variants in particular don't contain loot chests at all, but underwater ruins may be the only option if Minecraft players can't find shipwrecks.
The positioning of loot chests in Minecraft's underwater ruins is less exact, especially because ruins can be partially buried themselves. Players should bring some digging tools just in case as well as weapons, as ruins are often inhabited by the Drowned. Undersea adventuring is dangerous enough without being taken by surprise by hostile mobs.
Once players have their treasure map, the real search begins. X marks the spot, and players will want to fill in the map as they make their way to the dig site.
Treasure maps don't show exact coordinates in vanilla Minecraft, so keeping tools on hand to excavate the area where the treasure is buried is a wise decision.
Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.
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