While Minecraft players traditionally have the head that their skin provides, it's possible to equip custom heads as well. These custom heads allow players to completely change their head's appearance.
In vanilla Minecraft, it's possible to collect mob heads through various means. However, players can also place custom heads into the game as an alternative. Some can be obtained in multiplayer situations through the use of commands, while others can be placed in the game via plugins and mods. Regardless, this article will provide a quick guide on how to gain access to custom heads of different varieties.
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Players can acquire custom heads in Minecraft through commands and plugins

When players add custom heads to their inventory in Minecraft, they'll want to distinguish what type of head they'd like to add. Player heads in multiplayer situations can be added through commands, while more customized variants may require mods or plugins. Regardless, receiving either of these head variations shouldn't be too difficult, especially for players who are familiar with the nuances of modding and using commands.
Obtaining player heads via commands
- Place a command block or open your chat commands.
- Enter "/give @p minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner:PlayerNameHere}" before pressing enter or activating the command block. This will provide you with an equippable head that is a copy of a given player's head as seen on their player skin.
Obtaining custom heads via the Custom Heads site
- Head to Minecraft-Heads.com and select a custom head of your choosing. For example, the Creeper Maid head.
- Open the custom head's page, and find the necessary code for your version of the game.
- Place down a command block in-game, then copy and paste or type out the code for the custom head. These heads are connected to Mojang's head database, so the correct code should apply correctly within the command block. For the Creeper Maid head, players would enter "/give @p minecraft:player_head{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Creeper Maid\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-10997397,-1676981671,-1297833846,1518878174],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ5NThkNjM0MDY2NTc4Mjk0YmYwMThkNjM3YTViYzllNDZlYTkyODM3ZTdjZjJjNTlkNjcxZWNkNTUyZTBjNSJ9fX0="}]}}} 1" into their command block.
- Activate the command block once the command is inserted correctly, and you can enjoy your new custom head.
Players who use plugins can also access custom heads through other methods. For example, users of SpigotMC can utilize the custom heads plugin, which adds over 600 custom heads to the game. Much like the methods listed above, players can access these custom heads through the use of commands or command blocks. However, it's important for players to utilize the appropriate plugin that matches their in-game version, otherwise the plugin may not work as intended or may cause errors.
If a player opts for mods or plugins, they'll also need to keep their mod/plugin of choice updated after the game's own major updates. Smaller updates (such as 1.19.2 instead of 1.19.0) typically don't cause game-breaking issues, but more substantial content and gameplay updates are a different story. After a larger content update, it's common practice for players to update their mods and plugins if at all possible.
Custom heads are a great way to add variety to the Minecraft experience, as they provide even more customization that players would not otherwise be able to access. Plus, it can be fun to take on the likeness of another character or player for a while, even if you don't necessarily have a matching skin. There are plenty of fun head/skin customizations to enjoy, and players should definitely try out a few custom heads.
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