How to get every crop in Minecraft

A "crop circle" posted by Reddit user BillFottle (Image via Mojang).
A "crop circle" posted by Reddit user BillFottle (Image via Mojang).

Agriculture has become one of Minecraft's biggest staples, particularly in Survival Mode, and the growth and harvesting of crops are a great way to stay fed when animals aren't readily available.


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Since the earliest days of Minecraft's tenure, the number of crops accessible to players has increased significantly over time. Players began by simply growing wheat, but now Minecraft possesses roughly 18 different crop types depending on what one considers a crop.

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These crops range from fruits to vegetables to legumes or fungi and more, and there's a way to grow and harvest each and every one of them. For Minecraft players with a green thumb, learning these growth methods is crucial.


Minecraft: Growing and harvesting each in-game crop

Farming is so accessible, even villagers have gotten in on the activity (Image via Mojang).
Farming is so accessible, even villagers have gotten in on the activity (Image via Mojang).

Crops in Minecraft range from simple to particular when it comes to cultivation, with options like wheat and sugar cane essentially just needing a water source while sea pickles or Nether Wart require much more specific growth methods.


Minecraft players just starting out with growing crops may want to begin with simpler crops before branching out into growing the more complex ones in an optimal fashion. At the end of the day, this is up to the individual player, but starting slow tends to help somewhat more than diving in and trying to grow cocoa pods or mushrooms immediately.

Below are the current crops in Minecraft 1.17.1 and how to grow and harvest them:

  • Wheat - One of Minecraft's cornerstone crops. Grows in tilled farmland by right-clicking grass or dirt blocks with a hoe tool. Wheat seeds require a light level of 9 or higher to grow, and can be grown efficiently in a 9x9 block farm with a hole full of water at its center. The surrounding planted crops should grow nicely.
  • Beetroots - Usually found growing in Minecraft villages courtesy of farmer villagers, beetroots are an easy-to-grow crop that can be grown by a basic 9x9 farm like wheat. Unlike wheat however, beetroots don't grow in as many stages and tend to take less time to reach maturity.
  • Carrots - Similar to beetroots, carrots are typically found in the farming plots of Minecraft villagers. They can also be grown in a 9x9 basic farm design and grow quickly.
  • Potatoes - Identical in growth to carrots, beetroots, and wheat, potatoes can also be found in village farm plots and grow at a quick pace in a regular 9x9 farm.
  • Melons - Grown on a vine, melons ideally need some extra room to grow. When fully grown, a melon vine will outstretch to an adjacent block where the melon can be harvested without removing the vine's stem, allowing multiple harvests without replanting. Farm plots for melons usually require strips of regular, un-tilled dirt for the fully-grown crop to rest on.
  • Pumpkins - Operate almost exactly like melons by growing on vines and requiring more room in a given farm plot. Give them a carving for Halloween!
  • Bamboo - The fastest-growing plant and crop in Minecraft, bamboo generates naturally in jungle biomes but can be planted in a variety of soils such as dirt, moss, grass, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, gravel, mycelium, podzol, sand, and red sand blocks. Though it can be grown in a similar sense to sugar cane, bamboo doesn't actually require water.
  • Cocoa Beans - An easy crop to grow, all cocoa pods require is to be placed on a piece of jungle wood, where it will grow over time until the beans within the pod can be harvested. The wood doesn't even need to be part of a tree, and can even be grown on jungle logs and stripped jungle logs/wood.
  • Sugar Cane - One of the simplest crops to grow in Minecraft, simply requiring to be grown on the edge of a suitable block (grass, dirt, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, gravel, sand, podzol, moss, red sand, mycelium) next to a body of water. The water can be as small as a single block or as wide as a river, whatever players prefer. Sugar cane can also be grown next to waterlogged blocks or frosted ice blocks.
  • Sweet Berries - Placing sweet berries on a grass, dirt, podzol, coarse dirt, or tilled farmland block will create a small bush that will grow over time, eventually allowing Minecraft players to harvest additional sweet berries.
Even in the inhospitable Nether dimension, crops can grow healthily (Image via Mojang).
Even in the inhospitable Nether dimension, crops can grow healthily (Image via Mojang).
  • Cacti - Plantable on any kind of sand block, cactus blocks will grow without any help and can be harvested and replanted at will as long as there is sand available.
  • Mushrooms - Unlike most crops, mushrooms can be grown in low light (light level 12 or less) and actually prefer these circumstances in order to spread. They can be given bone meal to form into large mushrooms that allow additional harvestings. However, Minecraft players must grow these particular crops in mycelium, podzol, or nylium.
  • Kelp - Plantable anywhere underwater, simply place it under the water's surface and watch it grow in length!
  • Sea Pickles - Can technically be placed anywhere underwater, but require placement upon living coral blocks in order to actively grow and spread from their original planting location.
  • Nether Wart - The Nether native crop can only be planted within soul sand blocks, unaffected by things like light level. Once fully grown it can be harvested and replanted with ease.
  • Chorus Fruit/Flowers - Found primarily as part of chorus trees found within Minecraft's End dimension, breaking a chorus plant will result in receiving chorus fruit. These fruits and plants can be farmed by taking a chorus flower block and placing it on an End stone block. This can be done in any dimension at any light level.
  • Fungi - Mushrooms exclusive to the Nether, crimson and warped fungi require a solid block underneath their planting location and can be placed in grass, dirt, coarse dirt, podzol, farmland, nylium, mycelium, and soul soil. Otherwise, they operate largely like standard mushrooms, and can be increased in size with bone meal.
  • Glow Berries - Found naturally on vines inside Minecraft's new lush caves, placing a berry on the bottom of a block will create a glow berry vine that will grow over time. As long as it has air beneath it, the vine can continue to grow until it reaches its maximum size. Vines have a one in nine chance of producing berries, but players can apply bone meal to them to force the growth of glow berries.

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Edited by Rohit Mishra
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