The world of Minecraft is filled with varied forms of plants. As players enter the game, they are welcomed by lush green landscapes and jungles. Not only that, players can cultivate and farm numerous edible items in the game with the help of seeds.
There are a few types of seeds from which players can grow vegetables and sustain themselves in Minecraft. These seeds can be sown in dirt blocks to grow different plants, which then yield various foods. To farm all kinds of vegetation, players must find all types of seeds to begin with.
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Every crop seeds in Minecraft and how to find them
There are majorly 6 different types of crop seeds, all yielding different crops and food items. These seeds can be found in various places in Minecraft.
Wheat Seeds

Wheat seeds are probably the most common of them all. Wheat seeds can be dropped by chopping down grass from grass blocks. This is pretty simple as grass can be found almost anywhere. Wheat seeds can be sown to grow wheat, which can tame horses or be crafted into bread.
Also Read: Seed generator Minecraft
Melon Seeds
Melon seeds in Minecraft can be hard to find as compared to wheat seeds. Melon seeds are dropped from breaking a Melon which can only be found in the Jungle biome. They can also be obtained from chest loots, trading with a wandering trader, crafting from melon slices and Melon stems.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are quite similar to Melon seeds in their growth and availability. Like melon seeds, pumpkin seeds can also be obtained from chest loots, trading with wandering traders, shearing uncarved pumpkins, crafting, and from pumpkin stems.
Beetroot Seeds

Beetroot seeds can be mainly found in Village farms and by harvesting full-grown beetroots. They can also be obtained by trading with Wandering traders and from chest loots.

Potatoes are not exactly seeds, but they can be sown to grow more of them. They are a great source of food when baked. They have a good chance of being found on Village farms and in chest loot. They can rarely drop from a dead Zombie, Husks or a Zombie Villager.

Carrots are pretty similar in availability to Potatoes. They can also be found on Village farms and various chest loots. Rarely, Zombie, Husk or a Zombie Villager can also drop carrots upon death. Carrots can be used to ride pigs, and can be crafted into special golden carrots.
Seeds yielding crops is an essential process for surviving in Minecraft, as it gives players fodder. Wheat can be used to tame horses and breed other animals. Beetroot can be used to make beetroot soup.
Potatoes and carrots are a great source of food for players. Hence finding various seeds is quite beneficial.
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