Armor is a type of equippable item in Minecraft that is a must have for all players. Players can wear it to protect themselves from a variety of damage types in-game, such as falling, fire, and melee attacks.
There are several different types of armor in Minecraft, ranging from leather to netherite in value. Each has its own set of specifications, meaning that players will have to acquire them in different ways.
Here’s a guide for beginners on how to get every type of armor in Minecraft.
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How to get every type of Minecraft armor
Although leather may be the weakest type of armor in Minecraft, its low-cost crafting recipe makes it an excellent investment for players early on in thegame. Players can craft themselves a full set with just 24 pieces of leather, which they can get from slaying mobs.
There are also other ways to obtain leather armor. Players can find pieces of it in many structures' loot chests. Leather is especially common in villages and shipwrecks. Randomized pieces of leather armor can be bought via villager trading, and boots can be found while fishing.

Golden armor is the weakest armor in terms of durability, and it will wear out much faster than even leather armor. Although it has its uses in distracting piglins, golden armor is more often than not, used as a decorative piece.
Golden armor can be crafted using gold ingots. A full set can be made with 24 ingots. Several hostile mobs may spawn wearing golden armor, which has a chance of dropping when slain. Gold armor is also an uncommon find in Nether fortresses, ruined portals, and bastion remnants.
Perhaps the most elusive type of armor in-game, chainmail armor cannot be crafted in Vanilla Minecraft. Nonetheless, there are ways for players to obtain it.
The main way to get chainmail armor is by obtaining it as a rare drop from skeletons and zombies. Players can also buy it from villagers, or more rarely find it as buried treasure loot.

Iron armor sits in the middle in terms of protective value, but its accessibility in-game makes it a valuable addition to any Minecraft player's arsenal.
Players can craft a set of iron armor with 24 iron ingots. If this isn't an option, players can also trade with many of Minecraft's villager mobs, or search for it in a loot chest.

With one of the highest protective values in-game, diamond armor is one of the best types of armor in Minecraft. Players can craft a complete set of diamond armor with 24 diamonds.
Players can also find diamond armor in different structures' loot chests. It can occasionally be found in end cities, bastion remnants, and woodland mansions.
Netherite is by far the most valuable type of armor in Minecraft. While it provides players with the best protection possible, netherite armor is also pretty difficult to obtain. Players can only obtain it in one way and that is by upgrading their diamond armor.
This is pretty time and resource intensive, as players looking to build a full set of netherite armor will first need four netherite ingots.
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