One of Minecraft's many tool enchantments, Fortune allows players to receive more items from specific item drops, particularly while mining ore blocks but also when collecting crops or miscellaneous items like flint from gravel. Since it can increase resource yields for players, Fortune is a worthwhile enchantment to place on tools whenever possible.
However, obtaining the Fortune enchantment in Minecraft can be a challenge. It can be acquired through various methods, some more efficient than others, and the ease of obtaining it will depend on how well off a player is in their world.
The good news is that since this enchantment can be found using various methods, players have some freedom to choose which works best for them.
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Easily acquiring the Fortune enchantment in Minecraft

When it comes to acquiring Fortune in Minecraft, you can do so through different means. It's possible to acquire it from an enchanting table, as a loot item from generated structures via an enchanted book, fishing it up as a treasure item, and trading for an enchanted book with librarian villagers. It's also possible to use in-game commands to immediately place a Fortune-enchanted book in your inventory on both Java and Bedrock Edition.
If you want to acquire Fortune on your tool of choice quickly and easily, you'll likely want to forego looting enchanted books or fishing them up. Additionally, librarian villagers randomize the enchanted books they sell, so there isn't a guarantee you can trade for Fortune right away. If you want to acquire Fortune on your tool of choice quickly and easily, the best way is to use an enchanting table or in-game commands.
Easily getting Fortune in Minecraft:
- Gather as many experience levels as you can as well as a few stacks of lapis lazuli. Then create an enchanting table by combining a book, two diamonds, and four blocks of obsidian in a crafting table. Place your enchanting table and interact with it. Put your desired tool (pickaxe, shovel, axe, hoe) in the input slot along with your lapis lazuli and select the Fortune enchantment from the enchantment list on the right.
- If the enchantment isn't available right away in the enchanting table's list, you'll need to enchant a different item to refresh the list. One of the easiest ways to do this without spending too much experience or lapis is by placing a cheap rank I enchantment to a book or a plain wooden tool. You can then place your desired tool back into the input slot and see if Fortune has appeared on the enchantment list. This is why it's advised to have extra experience levels and lapis lazuli on hand in case you need to re-roll the enchantment list.
- If you don't mind enabling cheats in Minecraft, you can place your desired tool in your hands and enter "/enchant @s fortune x" where X is the rank of the enchantment you'd like to apply. As long as the tool can facilitate the Fortune enchantment, it should be applied directly without needing to use enchanted books or the enchanting table.
While there are other ways to acquire Fortune in Minecraft, using the enchanting table or commands is the most direct way. These methods have the least amount of randomness involved since they don't utilize item loot tables, and trading is also inconsistent without creating multiple librarian villagers, which can be time-consuming as well. With commands or the enchanting table, Fortune can be obtained fairly easily without needing to travel, loot, or depend on the in-game RNG.
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