There are many different ways for players to buff themselves in Minecraft: getting better gear, enchanting this already powerful gear, and applying positive status effects through items like potions. However, it can take quite a long time to get the best gear, like tridents, maces, and netherite items, given their rarity. Thankfully, commands are a great way to circumvent this rigorous grind.
Using commands makes it much quicker and easier to become as powerful as possible in survival, essentially entering god mode. This makes things like custom multiplayer PvP tournaments or taking on the game's different bosses much more entertaining. Everything you need to know about using commands to become this strong can be found detailed below.
How to use commands to reach god mode in Minecraft
1) Give yourself the best gear

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- /give username minecraft:item_name quantity
The first thing you'll want to do to reach god mode with Minecraft commands is to give yourself the best gear available. Start with a full set of netherite tools and armor. You'll also want either a bow or crossbow, depending on preference, as well as an elytra, a trident, and a mace. Fishing rods are also useful in PvP for moving players around.
When using the command, replace the word "username" with your username in-game and "item_name" with the name of the gear you want. The "quantity" part of the command will default to one if you don't set it to something else.
2) Enchant it with commands

- /enchant username minecraft:enchantment_name level
Once you've obtained the best gear in the game using commands, you should enchant it next. This can also be done with commands. Place the item you want to enchant in your main hand, then use the command provided above.
Replace the word "username" with your in-game name, "enchantment_name" with the name of the enchantment you want to put on the weapon, and "level" with the level of the chosen enchantment.
Unfortunately, commands are unable to put enchantments on Minecraft items they normally cannot go on, nor can they increase the enchantment's level beyond what's normally allowed by the game.
3) Add permanent status effects

- /effect give username minecraft:effect_name duration amplifier particles
The next thing you should do to reach god mode is give yourself permanent versions of all of the game's different positive status effects. Make sure to add Minecraft potion effects like strength, resistance, and regeneration, which will make you much stronger in fights.
When using the command provided above, replace "username" with your in-game username, and "effect_name" with the name of a positive status effect. You can specify a time when replacing the word "duration" or use the word "infinite" to make it so that the effect lasts forever. The "amplifier" section will increase the level of the effect by the specified number. Finally, add either "true" or "false" to the end to disable or enable the effect's particles.
4) Give yourself some levels

- /xp add username amount levels/points
- /experience add username amount levels/points
Levels are by no means required since you can enchant with commands instead of trading with Minecraft villagers or using the enchanting table. However, any true god mode player would have so many levels that experience doesn't matter anymore. As such, you should make sure to give yourself at least a few hundred levels using the commands found above.
Replace "username" with your in-game username, and "amount" with a whole number. The final part of the command will have you set if this amount will be added in experience points or levels.
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