Gunpowder has many uses in Minecraft ranging from brewing splash potions to explosive TNTs.
Gunpowder was first added to the game in the indev version 0.31. During its early days, gunpowder was used to craft TNTs only. However, after many updates, gunpowder can now be used to create many types of explosive items. Without gunpowder, players cannot brew any type of splash potion in the game. Gunpowder is also required for making firework rockets in Minecraft. Firework rockets let players fly further and faster with just a right-click.
The good news for players is that there are various ways to obtain gunpowder in Minecraft. Different mobs drop gunpowder when killed. Players can also find gunpowder inside chests in dungeons, mineshafts, shipwrecks and more. This article discusses the different ways of obtaining gunpowder in Minecraft.
Get Gunpowder in Minecraft

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The best way to get gunpowder in Minecraft is by killing creepers. These green-explosive mobs drop 0-2 gunpowder when killed. Players can increase the drop rate by using a looting enchanted sword. Creepers are one of the most common hostile mobs in Minecraft. Players can run around their base at night and find many creepers spawning in the dark areas. By killing them, players can easily farm some gun powder. If they need more gunpowder, investing time and resources in making a creeper farm is the best option.
There are various types of creeper farms in Minecraft, both small and large. This small creeper farm designed by Youtuber Chapman can produce 700+ gunpowder every hour and is very easy to build. This farm design is also stackable, which means players can create many layers of this farm to increase their output to 10,000+ powder.
Alternative sources of gunpowder

Other than creepers, some other mobs drop gunpowder as well. Ghasts drop gunpowder when killed, but they are not an efficient way to get gunpowder. Ghasts are mainly farmed for their tears, not gunpowders.

Witches are another source of gunpowder in Minecraft. There is a 12.5% chance of a witch dropping gunpowder after dying. She can drop anywhere between 0-6 gunpowder. Players can increase the gunpowder drop rate up to 15 items per witch by using a looting III sword. Witches can be found inside witch huts in swamp biomes. Players can build a witch farm on their huts and use it for gunpowder as well. Rather than manually killing mobs, players should make an automatic farm to get gunpowder in Minecraft.
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