Invisible item frames are a special type of item that can be obtained in Minecraft 1.19 if players want to decorate their structures more aesthetically. Item frames essentially allow players to place any item on it for display. Players frequently use these to mark storage chests or decorate rooms by placing precious or special items.
Unfortunately, the item frame is not the most aesthetically pleasing block to place while decorating. If players are placing several items on walls, it can be weird to look at. This is where invisible item frames come into play. Though these special items can only be obtained by complex commands, they are worth getting if players are going for a cleaner look for their structures and want to place items vertically and horizontally.
Command to obtain invisible item frame in Minecraft 1.19 (2022)
How to get the item in Java Edition
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Unfortunately, this particular method will only work in Java Edition. There is no way to obtain an invisible item frame in the vanilla version of Bedrock Edition, even with commands.
The only way to obtain this item in Java Edition is by entering a command. Hence, players must first check if they have allowed cheats to work in the world. Players can type in any command and check if it works. Cheats can be enabled in the world when the world is being created for the first time or can be enabled briefly by going into the 'Open to LAN' settings in the pause menu and toggling cheats.

Once this is done, players must enter this exact command, to obtain one invisible item frame: /give @p item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}}. After this command is executed, players will have a normal-looking item frame in their inventory. Even though it will look normal and opaque, the item frame will be completely invisible when placed.

This can be confusing for players as they will not see anything being placed on a block. However, when they try to place an item, it will be properly placed on the invisible item frame. For players who haven't tried this before, it would be quite fascinating to see the item simply stuck on the wall without any support or frame.

One of the most interesting things about this item is that it can also be placed horizontally on any block. This way, players can give the impression that the items are casually lying on the floor or on top of blocks. This will completely change how structures and rooms are decorated.
Even though players cannot obtain this item in Bedrock Edition, they can install some custom resource packs that have the ability to remove the item frame texture and make it seem invisible.
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