Mycelium in Minecraft is a considerably rare dirt block variant that produces spore-like particles and works well for growing mushrooms. Much like dirt, mycelium can easily be mined by hand or shovel.
The tricky part of collecting mycelium, as it turns out, is finding it. This particular block only naturally generates within mushroom field biomes, which are semi-rare in their own right. They're not impossible to find, but players will want to know where to look. While there are many means of doing so, some may be more appealing than others, depending on the strategies a player is willing to use.
Searching for a mushroom field can take some time, but it's the only source of natural mycelium in Survival Mode.
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How to Find a Mushroom Field Biome in Minecraft 1.19

While hunting for a mushroom field biome in Minecraft, there are a few things to keep in mind. Specifically, these biomes generate within and are surrounded by deep ocean biomes. If players are hoping to find a mushroom field, they'll likely need to craft a boat and head out to sea. However, there are other means to pinpoint the location of a mushroom field without scouring the oceans for the biome, which can take quite some time, depending on the world seed.
Ways to Find a Mushroom Field Biome in Minecraft
- As previously stated, craft a boat and head out into the ocean. Deep oceans are fairly easy to recognize, as they reach much lower heights and tend to generate structures like ocean monuments, ocean ruins, and shipwrecks. However, Minecraft: Java Edition players can also press the F3 key and check their current biome to ensure they're in a deep ocean biome. Then it's just a matter of boating across the water's surface until they can spot a mushroom field.
- If you don't mind using cheats, enable them and enter your world. Next, enter the command "/locate biome minecraft:mushroom_fields" without quotations into your chat console and press enter. The command console should respond with the exact coordinates of the nearest mushroom field relative to the player. Afterward, all that you have to do is travel to those coordinates.
- If you have Elytra and a stockpile of firework rockets, flying over your world to find mushroom fields is quite helpful in Minecraft. Elytra boosted by rockets, allows you to move at a much faster clip than a standard boat, and you can steer over ocean biomes until you spot a mushroom field.
- If everything fails, you can enter your world's seed into a mapping site like By default, mushroom fields are highlighted with bright pink color. After hovering your mouse over a point on the map, you can find the coordinates posted at the bottom-left.
Once a player has found a mushroom field biome, all left to do to obtain mycelium is mine it to their heart's content. These biomes are almost exclusively comprised of mycelium (except for mushroom blocks on the surface), so there's certainly no lack of mycelium to collect and utilize.
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