Mojang will soon release the Minecraft 1.20 update. This installment for the age-old sandbox game will add loads of new blocks, items, biomes, structures, mobs, etc. Since blocks are essentially the unit of this game, players are most excited for any new block that features in these updates. They can be mined or crafted to be used in innumerable ways.
The 1.20 update does not disappoint, as it brings many blocks as well. Unfortunately, these will only be found in new chunks, forcing players to travel far and wide in their older worlds. Here is a simple guide on how to find all the new blocks.
Ways to find all the new blocks in Minecraft 1.20 update
Cherry blocks

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Cherry blocks are a brand new wood set that will be coming to the game. They can only be found in the new Cherry Grove biomes. As mentioned above, users must travel the Overworld until they generate new chunks. All the new features will only be generated in these chunks.
Furthermore, they must look for short mountains and meadows, as the new biome is more likely to generate in those regions. Once the new biome is located, users can chop down cherry trees to get the new wood. They can also obtain pink petal blocks, cherry leaves, and cherry saplings.
Bamboo blocks

Another new wood set will be added, which can be made from bamboo. These are much easier to craft since players will need items already present in older versions of the game.
First, users must find a jungle biome to obtain bamboo items. When nine bamboo items are crafted together, one block will be obtained. From this, they can further craft planks, stairs, slabs, etc.
Calibrated Sculk Sensor

A calibrated sculk sensor is a new variant of the regular sculk sensor. It can be crafted using one regular sculk sensor and three amethyst shards.
Of course, users will first need to head down to the Deep Dark Biome to obtain sculk sensors and find an amethyst geode to get amethyst shards.
Chiseled bookshelf

A chiseled bookshelf is a new block that is arguably the easiest to obtain. Players will simply need to craft six wooden planks with three wooden slabs to obtain the new block. It does not require players to do anything special.
Decorated pot

Decorated pots are part of the archeology feature and can be crafted in two different ways. If players want a smooth pot without carvings, they can simply use four brick items to craft one.
However, if they want a pot with different carvings, they must find new pottery sherd items from suspicious sand and gravel blocks in various structures. Pottery sherds will have different carvings and can be used to craft a decorated pot.
Hanging sign

Hanging signs are a brand new variant of signs that can be hung from any facet of a block except the top. They can be easily obtained by crafting two chains and six stripped logs. This will yield six of these new blocks that can be used.
Sniffer egg

Sniffer eggs are arguably the toughest block to find in the update. This is also the only way to obtain Sniffers. They can only be found in new, suspicious sand blocks in ocean ruins. However, users need to find an ocean ruin, specifically in a warm ocean biome, to have a slight chance of finding them.
Suspicious sand and gravel

Two of the main blocks in the archeology feature are suspicious sand and gravel. These have an extremely similar texture to regular sand and gravel blocks. Hence, they are extremely difficult to spot.
They are found in structures like desert temples, desert wells, ocean ruins, and trail ruins. Players can only use the brush tool and gently excavate whatever is hidden inside them. They cannot be obtained as a block with any tool, even with a silk touch enchantment.
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