Used to manually generate structures in Minecraft, structure blocks are created via player commands and can additionally save and import structures in other locations thanks to the portability of the block.
Outside of Minecraft: Education Edition, where the blocks are available in the Creative Mode inventory, players will need to enable cheats and use commands such as "/setblock," "/fill," or "/give" in order to obtain a structure block for use.
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Once placed, the blocks have the durability of a command block for the most part, being indestructible in Survival Mode and having a blast resistance akin to bedrock. The block also gives players a host of new capabilities.
Minecraft: Obtaining and using a structure block

For a Minecraft player to give themself a structure block, they can use commands such as "/give @p structure_block 1" or "/give @s structure_block 1" to give themselves one structure block.
Other targets can also be selected using the correct command parameters in the command window that pop up when selecting a target to give the block to.
Regardless, this command should place the block in one's hotbar or inventory if they aren't playing on Minecraft: Education Edition, where they can simply pluck the block from the Creative Mode inventory.
Once a structure block is placed, Minecraft players can open it and are presented with plenty of options in the GUI. Keep in mind, however, that the structure block's UI will only open if the player has the appropriate operator/cheat permissions active and is currently within Creative Mode.
The player can use the structure block in three main capacities: Saving, loading, and corner.
Players can enter the structure's name and designate it by its XYZ coordinates. The maximum allowed distance from the structure block varies depending on the Minecraft version being played, with a limit of 48 blocks in Java Edition in any direction or the limitation in Bedrock Edition of 64 blocks in any horizontal direction or 256 blocks in any vertical direction.
Once players have the structure block's parameters around their structure correct, they can save the structure into the block's memory. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition players can additionally export the structure into a .mcstructure file which they can later import in other worlds if they would like.
Once a structure is saved, players can use the load function to place and rotate the structure in another location of their choosing.
If players have multiple structure blocks, they can place them in corner mode around a structure for easier capture of a structure's size and parameters. This is helpful when using coordinates and the player would prefer to simply place structure blocks around the corner of their structure. It can save time and headaches figuring out the exact coordinates desired to capture inside the structure block.
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