Introduced alongside lightning rods, the "Surge Protector" advancement in Minecraft can be obtained by preventing a villager from being struck by lightning and being turned into a witch without starting a fire of any sort.
Achieving this particular Minecraft advancement shouldn't be too difficult, simply requiring a lightning rod and an unharmed villager within a 30 x 30 x 30 volume of blocks.
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Players who want to expedite the process can also use a trident enchanted with the Channeling enchantment to call lightning down onto the lightning rod instead of waiting for a randomized lightning strike. Regardless of options, it shouldn't take much to pull off.
Minecraft: Creating a lightning rod and placing it appropriately for the advancement

The core block that can provide players with the "Surge Protector" advancement is a lightning rod, which can be crafted using three copper ingots. In the case of this particular Minecraft advancement, adding as many lightning rods as possible improves one's chances.
After players have made the necessary lightning rods, they should place them in the nearest occupied village. Since the advancement accounts for any villagers in a 30 x 30 x 30 area, placing lightning rods in areas such as villager homes or highly-trafficked areas will improve the players' chances of being successful.
Once the lightning rods are set and the villagers are close to them (block/fence them in close by if necessary, as long as they're uninjured), players can simply wait for a thunderstorm.
However, players with cheats enabled in their Minecraft worlds can also use the command "/weather thunder [duration]" without quotations to initiate a thunderstorm on command for a set time period.
As the storm carries on, any lightning strikes that would otherwise strike the village or its inhabitants should strike the lightning rods. If the rods are close enough to the villagers and they remain unharmed, players should receive this particular advancement.
This is made somewhat easier when players have a trident enchanted with Channeling. A trident with this specific trident typically calls lightning to its location when players throw the trident at a Minecraft mob, but the effect extends to lightning rods.
Simply toss the trident at a lightning rod with a villager nearby and the conjured lightning bolt should strike the rod and provide players with the advancement as well.
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