The Totem of Undying is an important Minecraft item, although it might be a little frustrating to find since you cannot craft these normally. Added to the game in update 1.11, it’s an item that, if you hold and take fatal damage, you will be revived with 1 HP and also be granted the Regeneration II buff for 40 seconds. You’ll also gain Absorption II for 5 seconds. There are two places you can find these, and it’s relatively easy to do.
Depending on if you want to deal with raids or not in Minecraft, you have two options to unlock this useful item. If you plan on exploring the deepest, most dangerous portions of the game, having a few Totems of Undying around is not a bad idea.
Finding the Totem of Undying in Minecraft 1.20
The Totem of Undying drops off of Evoker mobs in Minecraft, but they’re frightfully rare to find. There are two ways to find these particular enemies, depending on what difficulty you want to play the game on. If you’re playing on Normal, you can find them in specific locations.
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Though rare spawns, Evokers can be found in Woodland Mansions, within Dark Forest biomes. They aren’t guaranteed to spawn, but they do drop the Totem of Undying if you manage to kill them. Equip your favorite sword and chase them down and strike until they’re defeated.
The totem has a 100% drop rate, but the hard part is finding the Evoker itself. However, if you find an Evoker in a Dark Forest biome Mansion, they will not respawn after being killed. Keep that in mind, because you’ll need to find a different Mansion in order to get another totem as your reward.
If you’re having trouble finding an Evoker in Minecraft, consider taking part in a raid instead. However, you need to be on Hard difficulty. To do this, you need the Bad Omen status ailment and then enter a village. If you want this debuff, kill an outpost captain or patrol captain - your tamed wolf can also get the kill, but no other pet.

Raids will feature five Evokers, so it’s a great way to farm up a collection of Totems of Undying, but remember you’re playing on hard difficulty, so things will be more challenging. Brave your way through the raid and defeat all five, and you’ll be well-rewarded with totems. These are important items, and you should try to keep at least one in your inventory at all times.
The Totem of Undying is an extremely useful item in Minecraft, giving you another chance at life if you, for some reason, die in the game. It will also give you a brief bit of regeneration, so you can get your health back and try to resume your adventure.
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