Soon after you enter a new Minecraft world, you will start using bows and arrows to defeat hostile mobs from a distance to prevent any attacks. However, you will soon realize that you don't have enough arrows to keep shooting at enemies. Since arrows are not the easiest ammunition to craft, you will frequently run out of them. Thankfully, there are two methods to completely get rid of the issue.
One of them is built into the game itself, while the other was discovered by the community after years of playing and learning new techniques. Here are both methods to get infinite arrows in Minecraft.
Methods to get infinite arrows in Minecraft
Getting the infinity enchantment on bows

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Thankfully, there is an enchantment that will allow you to shoot infinite arrows from a bow. This power-up is very conveniently called Infinity Enchantment. Since it is not a treasure enchantment, it can easily be found on an enchanted table by adding lapis lazuli and a bow to it.
Since its power is quite simple, allowing a bow to shoot infinite arrows, it does not have any levels. However, it is worth mentioning that it cannot be applied to a bow that has a mending enchantment as well. Since both power-ups will simply create an overpowered bow, they cannot exist simultaneously. Hence, to increase the bow's life, you can apply the unbreaking enchantment of level three.
Once this enchantment is applied, you will simply need to keep one arrow in your inventory to shoot infinite arrows. Hence, you can also modify that particular arrow and add various damaging effects to further create a strong bow and arrow combination.
Creating a skeleton farm

When you fight and defeat skeletons, you will notice that they occasionally drop arrows as well. Hence, if you find a dungeon that has a skeleton spawner block in it, you can essentially create a skeleton farm out of it.
You simply need to enlarge the dungeon and pour water from one side so that it flows to the other. Create a killing room on the other side so that skeletons flow from the water and enter it. Lastly, you can create a storage system that collects all the items skeletons drop and then create a protective area where you can stand and kill them.
The skeleton farm will not only give you loads of arrows, but it will also yield bones for bone meal and bows as well. Of course, this also becomes a basic XP farm.
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