In Minecraft, players can obtain the heads of certain mobs. These are rare items that can only be obtained from certain structures or by certain methods. Most common hostile mob heads like skeletons, zombies, and creepers can be obtained by blowing them up with a charged creeper, but a dragon head is much more difficult to find.
Ender Dragon is Minecraft's final boss mob that players must defeat to finish the game. If they want its head, they must progress until the very end of the game to find one. Here is how to obtain the dragon head and how to use them in the game.
Steps to obtain a dragon head and use it in Minecraft
1) Defeat the Ender Dragon

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First and foremost, you need to enter the End Dimension and defeat the Ender Dragon to finish the game's main story. This can be done by finding a stronghold with eyes of ender, which is crafted with ender pearls and blaze rods. There will be an end portal located in the stronghold with permanent end portal frames with the eyes of enders.
Once you enter the last realm, you will immediately be thrown into a fight with the Ender Dragon; hence, always prepare yourself beforehand.
The Ender Dragon can be defeated with bed explosions whenever it perches on the bedrock fountain area. This might take time, but eventually, the beast can be defeated.
2) Explore other End islands to find end cities with floating ships

Once you defeat the Ender Dragon, you will be allowed to roam around the End realm and explore other islands. Some of these islands will generate end cities, a rare structure with some of the best chest loot in the game, and spawn rare shulker mobs.
If you are solely hunting for the dragon head, you must find a city with a floating ship near it. The floating ship is the only place to find the dragon egg. Once you reach the floating structure, you can find the head placed at the front of the ship.
Additionally, players can also find elytra inside the ship, which is one of the most craved items in the entire game. If you want more dragon heads, you can explore the End realm and find more floating ships with it.
How to use the dragon head

The dragon head will act like any other mob head in the game. You can either wear it by replacing your helmet with the head, or you can place it anywhere as a trophy to showcase that you have beaten the dragon and completed the game. Apart from that, it has no major use in the game.
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