Minecraft has loads of blocks that players can find or craft. Some of these blocks are used to build structures or custom terrain, while others can be directly interacted with to perform other tasks in the game. One of these blocks is called a lectern, which can sometimes be confusing for new players unfamiliar with its function.
However, once a lectern is crafted and used correctly, it can act as one of the most important tools for obtaining some of the best items in the entire game. Here is a simple way to obtain and use a lectern in Minecraft.
Steps to get and use a lectern in Minecraft (2023)
Crafting or obtaining a lectern

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There are two ways to get lecterns in the game: crafting them or finding them in villages.
Crafting a lectern is simple; you need four slabs and a bookshelf. The Bookshelves themselves need to be crafted using six planks and three books. Once all the items are gathered, place them on a crafting table, as shown in the picture above.
Alternatively, some villages also have a lectern in one of the librarian houses. The naturally generated lectern can be mined and obtained with an axe, though it can also be mined with any other tool.
Ancient City also generates a lectern in the secret room underneath the Warden statue.
How to use the lectern?

Once you have a lectern, it can be placed anywhere and put to use. One of the primary ways to use it is by placing a book and quill, or a written book, on it so that other players can read the book simultaneously. When a book is placed on a lectern, it also emits a redstone signal, whose intensity can be adjusted by flipping the book's pages.
However, most Minecrafters use it to hire a villager as a librarian. This is because librarians are regarded as the most valuable professional villagers in the game, as they can exchange almost any enchantment as an enchanted book, including treasure enchantments.
Once players place the lectern, an unemployed villager will detect it and immediately become a librarian. The librarian's initial trading list will consist of several enchanted books you can buy to secure that specific trade list with the villager.
However, if you want to change the trade list to get some other enchantment, break the lectern and place it again. This process essentially resets the librarian and its trade list. This method can also be rinsed and repeated to obtain rare treasure enchantments like mending as well.
Hence, a lectern is essential if you want good enchantments. With enough lecterns and villagers, Minecrafters have created entire trading halls for every enchanted book.
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