Introduced in the latest Minecraft Java snapshots and Bedrock previews, Torchflowers are a new flower type. These ancient plants can be used as decorations as well as for breeding Sniffers and speeding the growth of baby Snifflets.
Though they're in their early developmental stages, Torchflowers can be accessed in Minecraft's latest snapshot 23w07a, or in the most recent Bedrock Edition preview for update 1.20. They are available for the Creative Mode inventory and can be added to it via commands. They can also be collected in Survival Mode in a limited capacity before later snapshots and previews fully flesh out update 1.20's upcoming features.
For Minecraft players wondering how to obtain Torchflowers in Survival Mode gameplay, they'll need a little help from the new Sniffer mob that was also introduced in the latest betas.
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How to obtain and grow Torchflowers in Minecraft 1.20's previews

To obtain Torchflowers in Minecraft's latest previews, you'll need a hand from the Sniffer mob. This Mob Vote-winning creature has the ability to detect ancient plant seeds in the environment, which you can then plant and grow. Unlike many in-game flowers, Torchflowers require a growth process and will take time to mature. Subsequently, you can break, collect, and plant them elsewhere if they'd like.
As long as you are in a snapshot/preview world where experimental 1.20 features and the Sniffer have been activated, you'll be able to use Torchflowers as you see fit. It will also be necessary to enable cheats until later previews offer the ability to find Sniffer eggs and hatch them.
Here's a step-by-step guide to collecting and growing Torchflowers in Minecraft 1.20's current betas:
- If you're running Java snapshot 23w07a or its Bedrock equivalent, you'll need to use Creative Mode or in-game commands. To summon a Sniffer, enable cheats in your world and enter "/summon sniffer" or "/summon minecraftsniffer" as both should work on either game version.
- Once the mob has spawned in, it'll begin sniffing around the Minecraft landscape and searching for seeds. It's unclear how long this process can take on average, so just let the Sniffer search for a while. Eventually, it will lie down on the ground and begin digging up Torchflower seeds. After a few seconds, the seeds will pop out of the ground, and you can collect them.
- With your seeds on hand, you'll need to take a gardening hoe tool and use it to create a farm plot. This can be done on grass blocks and dirt, including rooted or coarse dirt. Once you have placed your farm plot, you can plant the Torchflower seeds in it.
- Dig a hole close to your farmland and fill it with water via a water bucket or any other source of water in Minecraft. It's also possible to place your farmland near naturally-occurring water bodies, like a lake or ocean, to provide adequate water to the farm plots to saturate them.
- Wait for the Torchflowers to grow to their full size. If you're in a hurry, you can also apply bonemeal to them to speed up this process. Once the flowers are fully-grown, simply break them and collect the Torchflowers that are dropped.
Once Minecraft players have their fully-grown Torchflowers, they can place them wherever they see fit. This includes blocks like grass, dirt, mud, and coarse dirt. Players can even craft a flower pot and place a flower into the pot as well for a nice decorative flair. Additionally, Torchflowers can be given to Sniffers to place them in Love Mode, allowing two of these mobs who have been given the items to breed.
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