XP is an important commodity in Minecraft. Without it, there would be no enchanting, which is a huge aspect of the game. Players would not have incredible swords with Looting III, Sharpness V, Mending I and Fire Aspect II without it. Silk Touch would not be usable, and many other cool parts of the game would be lost.
Therefore, it is important to collect XP. When enchanting books, players need to be at level 30 to get full access. However, players might need a lot of time to get to level 30, which is why they are always looking for faster ways.
XP farms have become quite popular in recently and making one out of zombies is fairly easy and very useful.
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Zombie spawner Minecraft XP farm tutorial
The first thing players need to do is find a spawner. Generally, these are pretty difficult to find. However, there are places where they usually spawn, like in a mineshaft or Nether fortress.
However, these aren't going to spawn zombies and won't be helpful for this task. The only place crafters can find these are in dungeons. In Java Edition, they can generate anywhere underground, but in Bedrock, it will be above sea level.
These can have zombie, skeleton or spider spawners. Unfortunately, spider spawners won't work for this purpose, but skeleton and zombie spawners are relatively interchangeable.
With the the Minecraft 1.18 update, caves go a chunk lower, which makes building a farm like this a lot easier. When players find a skeleton or hopefully a zombie spawner, the first thing they should do is use torches, so it is safe to work.
After that, a few levels of the floor need to be removed. Players should remove three to four levels so that the mobs will drop down to it. Directly underneath the spawner, there needs to be a tunnel.

The tunnel should go at least ten blocks down, so that anything that falls in will die. At the bottom, a hollowed out area can have a chest with a hopper so that the items get picked up.
Minecraft gamers can build a staircase back up and place a water source block in each of the four corners of the room. This is to ensure that anything that falls off the spawner will be pushed into the tunnel towards its death.
On top of the spawner, players should place a slab so that nothing can spawn directly on top and stand there forever. Once that is done, Minecraft players can remove the torches and go back down into the chest and hopper room.

This part can be done while being AFK, as the hopper and chest will collect the items. Unfortunately, it doesn't collect Minecraft XP so that part will require players to stand nearby and collect it. XP usually flows to a player nearby, but that is not an exact science so it can't be done while being AFK.
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