Whether Minecraft players want to grow them for decoration or increased wood production, tall trees are a helpful asset to invest in.
Although tall trees can be tougher to harvest, the extra wood per tree doesn't hurt. Additionally, planting tall trees has long been an inspiration for Minecraft builders, who have utilized them to create appealing above-ground treehouses and other structures.
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Growing regular saplings into tall trees likely isn't an apparent process for newer players or those who haven't tried to grow them before, but it isn't a daunting process at all.
Once performed a few times, players will have no issue growing large trees for whatever purpose they see fit.
Minecraft: How to grow tall trees from saplings

Growing tall trees in Minecraft is a fairly simple procedure, and only requires a few materials. Obviously, players will require saplings of their desired tree type. They will also need at least two blocks of glass and slabs of any type.
Bonemeal is also advised, as it speeds tree growth, though this method can also be applied to a tree's natural growth.
All that is required is the following:
- Place the sapling within the dirt or grass. Ensure that it has room to grow and isn't obstructed by other blocks.
- One block away from the sapling diagonally, place a two-block high column of glass. This can also be achieved with one block of glass and a slab of any type.
- Destroy the bottom block of the column.
- (Optional) Apply Bonemeal to the sapling until it grows into a tree.
This will ensure the game creates the tall tree type in Minecraft.
Occasionally, the tree that results from this method may seem small or normal-sized compared to average trees, but this is due to the game's generation code.
Even if it is a shorter tree, the tree will often showcase more branches and leaves, confirming that is still part of the "tall tree" archetype. Most of the time, however, the tree should be tall and sizable.
Another method exists with slabs used to assist in the growing process. It can be enacted like this:
- Place a two block column on a chosen dirt or grass block. This will soon be the site of the sapling.
- On the bottom of the second block of the column, place four slabs on the exterior of the block in a cross pattern.
- Once the slabs are in place, remove the column's blocks.
- Place the sapling in the center and underneath the floating slabs on the same block where the column used to be.
- (Optional) Apply Bonemeal to the Minecraft sapling to spur its growth.
Since tree generation is partially randomized, this method may not guarantee a massive tree either.
However, it produces solid results more often than not and will grow trees that at the very least provide more branches and leaves.
Some Minecraft players may even opt to use these methods and place their dirt blocks adjacent to placed or naturally-existing log blocks to increase the size of a tree as well. This is a tricky process, but can result in some truly massive trees to behold.
For optimal results, Minecraft players may want to begin with Oak tree saplings and work their way forward with others, as oak trees are more common and grow very robustly using these methods compared to other saplings.
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