Kelp can be a very useful item in Minecraft. The primary use is as fuel, though it has many other uses like it can be eaten when dried. It can be placed into a composter, with a 30% chance to raise the level by one. Kelp can also be used to create a sort of underwater elevator for those who want to build underwater.
Whatever the reason, kelp can be a useful item for Minecraft players and growing it can be helpful in getting a lot more of it. Here's how to do that.
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Growing kelp in Minecraft
When it is near and around seagrass, kelp can naturally generate in any ocean biome (save for frozen oceans, deep frozen oceans, warm oceans, and deep warm oceans). Each chunk has a 5.5% chance to generate a group of kelp.
Kelp can then be broken with a hand, and no tools are required. Any pieces of kelp that are above the broken block will break and eventually climb to the surface. It can also sometimes be purchased from wandering traders for three emeralds.
Kelp can be planted on a wide variety of blocks and will grow underwater if it has a source block of water or flowing water directly above it. With flowing water above, the kelp will turn the flowing water into a water source block while it grows up into it.
Nothing, not even a player, can remove the water source block the kelp is growing in without first breaking it. Kelp can grow in total darkness and does not require any level of light to grow. Bone meal will increase kelp by one block per use.

It has a natural maximum height of 26 blocks. Using dispensers with bone meal can automatically grow the kelp, making for a really useful kelp farm. Adding a piston and observer can make it automatically break as well.
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