How Minecraft looks is one of its defining attributes. The graphics and texture make the game feel familiar to its players. One thing that contributes to this feeling is the way things load. The render distance is an important aspect of Minecraft.
Flying through the air as the void fills chunk by chunk slowly is something all gamers know about. The render distance can be changed, though. It can be increased to make things farther away load, and it can be decreased for the opposite effect. There is a limit to this, though. Here's how one could go past that limit in Minecraft.

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Minecraft render distance: How to increase it and more
This is how the Minecraft Bedrock Wiki defines render distance with regard to its minimum and maximum values:
"Render Distance changes the number of Chunks that are visible from a distance at once. The option has a range of settings which depend on the device used. The minimum (across devices) are 6 chunks, and maximum of 96 chunks. The range is most likely related to the memory available to the device when the game is started."
Increasing it past the maximum can be a challenge, but there is a simple way to do it. Mods like OptiFine and LabyMod can increase the render distance and are both primarily aesthetic mods.
Downloading and using the OptiFine mod is pretty simple. All players need to do is:
- Simply visit the website and download the file from there; ensure it's in a known location.
- Then, open the ".minecraft" folder and navigate to the "mods" folder.
- Once there, players can click and drag the downloaded mod, which will likely be on the desktop or in the folder they specified, into the "mods" folder.
After that, the game will now be running OptiFine, and the render distance can be increased. However, there is an alternative method to doing so, though this is for the mobile version of the game. Here are the steps through which render distance can be increased beyond the limit in the mobile version:
- The first step is to go to Files on an iOS device.
- In Files, there should be a folder for the game since it is installed on the device.
- Inside the Minecraft file folder, there should be another folder titled "games." Choose this one and open it up. There should be just one folder inside called "com.mojang."
- The first file inside that folder should be another folder for "minecraftpe." Open this file and select the "options" file.
- This should automatically open in Documents, but if not, players can hold down and select that option.
- The setting that players need to find is "gfx_viewdistance." It will have a numerical value after it. Increasing this number will increase the view or render distance.
Once all of that is done, ensure that the document is saved and exit and return to the game. Keep in mind that a very high render distance can slow the game down, so if the device is not up to date or is older, it can cause serious issues with the gameplay.
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