A sword with the Knockback enchantment in Minecraft will cause the melee strikes performed by the weapon to push enemies back a greater distance.
Swords are the most tried and true weapon in all Minecraft, allowing players to deal significant amounts of damage in close combat. Players who have their trusty sword by their side, stand a much better chance of defeating deadly mobs and other players.
However, players can make their sword even more powerful by applying the Knockback enchantment. This Minecraft enchant will allow players to knock enemies that they strike backwards.
Players can then use this created distance to their advantage, by staying on the offensive, pushing an enemy off a cliff or into a precarious position, or by making a tactical retreat.
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This article breaks down how the Knockback enchantment works in Minecraft and explains how players can get it on their very own sword.
How the Knockback enchantment works in Minecraft
The Knockback enchantment can be placed on any sword that players have obtained throughout their in-game adventures. Swords can be made at a crafting table by combining one stick and two pieces of appropriate crafting material.
Instead of crafting, players can also obtain one of these melee weapons as a drop reward from killing zombies, husks, zombified piglins, piglins, and wither skeletons. Swords can also be purchased from weaponsmith villagers or found inside a variety of different structure chests.
Minecraft players even have the potential to get an already enchanted diamond sword from the chests found in End Cities.
The knockback enchantment has two levels of power, with each level progressively increasing the knockback effect caused by the sword.
A sword with the Knockback I enchantment will knock targets a distance of three blocks, while a sword with the Knockback II enchantment will push enemies back a distance of six blocks.
Knockback II is the highest level for the enchantment that players will be able to get organically in survival. To get an even higher level of the enchantment, players will need to resort to using console commands.
Minecraft players should note that they can slightly increase the effect of the knockback, by sprinting towards their target and timing their melee swing just right.
By default, this enchantment is one that is incredibly useful. A knockback enchanted sword will allow players to keep their enemies away from them or even knock enemies off cliffs to their deaths.
Getting the Knockback Enchantment

Knockback can be placed on any sword by using an enchanting table, expending experience earned by the player and some lapis lazuli.
Higher-level enchantments can be placed on swords by surrounding an enchanting table with additional bookshelves. Minecraft players should note that higher-level enchantments will cost an increased amount of experience to obtain.
This enchantment can also be placed on a piece of equipment with an anvil and the correct corresponding enchantment book.
A complete guide to enchantments in Minecraft can be found here.
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