In Minecraft, experience points and levels are vital, especially when performing actions such as enchanting gear and equipment, so players need as much as possible to keep their enchantments coming.
Since experience is such a helpful resource, Minecraft players are constantly devising new ways to earn XP in bunches in a short amount of time, or at least passively over time.
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Players can always pick up some extra XP in a few places by doing things such as defeating mobs and crafting certain items, but this typically isn't the most productive way to gather it. Fortunately, there are a few constructive ways to earn XP quickly and effectively.
Minecraft: Methods to farm XP in Minecraft 1.18

There are plenty of ways to farm XP in Minecraft, some of which are more complex or trickier to pull off than others. Simpler XP farms may do the job, but don't always yield the highest returns. Automated or elaborate farms can crank out more experience, but might require a lot more time and resources to set up.
It comes down to the player as to how much they want to invest in their XP in a given Minecraft world, but for players starting out in a new world, simple farms tend to be preferred until more impressive farms can be built.
Mob farms are well-known in Minecraft and don't tend to take up too many materials as they can be built from easy-to-get blocks. Minecraft 1.18 has changed spawning requirements pertaining to light levels, but otherwise, mob farms have remained popular throughout Minecraft's tenure.
Taking out different mobs in a farm brings different XP totals and items, but a quick mob farm is still incredibly reliable when a player is looking for easy experience.
Another popular and quick means of obtaining easy XP in Minecraft relies on the use of kelp, a plant item that is easily plucked from oceans. By feeding normal kelp into a furnace, players can make dried kelp. Although this makes for a subpar food item, they can also be used as fuel.
If players use the dried kelp they make as fuel while they place more in a furnace, they have a cycle of kelp being introduced that will spit out more than its fair share of XP as the kelp is converted.
Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.
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