Generated structures in Minecraft are enjoyable to explore and loot, but they're not always simple to spot regardless of where players find themselves. While some players might simply want to explore their Minecraft seed and find structures organically as they travel, others want to seek them out for their loot or for specific plans that they might have.
Whatever reasons that Minecraft players might have for seeking out structures, there's a means to find them based on their type. Well, if roaming the land and eyeballing the horizon isn't in the cards, anyway. Using the command console, Minecraft: Bedrock Edition players can find the coordinates of nearby structures.
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Minecraft: Using /locate to get coordinates for nearby structures

Like many problems in Minecraft, the game's command console can aid players in finding a solution. Though the /locate command is available on both Minecraft: Java Edition as well as Bedrock Edition, Pocket Edition, and Education Edition, its command syntax is different depending on what platform it is being played on.
For Minecraft: Bedrock Edition specifically, the command syntax for the /locate command is:
- /locate <Feature>
In order to activate this command in the chat console, players will need to enable cheats. In Bedrock Edition, this option can be found in the world edit menu in the form of a slider that players can switch on and off. Players should keep in mind that enabling cheats will also disable achievements.
Regardless, once cheats are enabled, players can enter a wide array of structures as arguments in the command's syntax. However, the command does require players to be in the correct dimension when searching for structures. For example, if a Minecraft player is in the Overworld, the /locate command won't work if they attempt to search for a structure located in the End or Nether. In such instances, the command will display an error.
With that being said, the following commands can be used to detect nearby structures and have its coordinates displayed for the player in Bedrock Edition's syntax:
- /locate bastionremnant - Bastion remnants, the Nether.
- /locate buriedtreasure - Buried treasure, the Overworld.
- /locate endcity - The End city, the End.
- /locate fortress - Fortresses, the Nether.
- /locate mansion - Woodland mansions, the Overworld.
- /locate mineshaft - Mineshafts, the Overworld.
- /locate monument - Ocean monuments, the Overworld.
- /locate ruins - Ocean ruins, the Overworld.
- /locate pillageroutpost - Pillager outposts, the Overworld.
- /locate ruinedportal - Ruined Nether portals, the Overworld and the Nether.
- /locate shipwreck - Shipwrecks, the Overworld.
- /locate stronghold - Strongholds, the Overworld.
- /locate temple - Desert pyramids, igloos, jungle pyramids, and swamp huts in the Overworld.
- /locate village - Villages, the Overworld.
For casual Minecraft players, the /locate command is definitely worth checking out. However, as stated previously, players will lose out on future achievements after cheats are enabled.
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