In the last update, Minecraft added the new Azalea tree as a part of the Lush Caves biome. The update also included a complete world generation overhaul, dripstone caves, and several mountain sub-biomes. Lush Caves and Azalea vegetation instantly became fan favorites, and people started making useful farms of all the new items.
When players explore the Minecraft world, they might find a lone Azalea tree on the surface. This indicates that there is a Lush Cave biome beneath it. They can dig along the rooted dirt block to find the biome. The Azalea bushes and leaves are beautiful blocks and can be used as decorations which is why players look to farm them.
Ways to make an Azalea tree farm in Minecraft
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Items to have
This is a slightly complicated Minecraft farm if players want it to be automatic. Players will only need to place the sapling on a dirt block, and the rest of the contraption will work automatically. To make this farm, players will need:
- Flowering azalea or azalea bush
- rooted dirt block
- bone meal
- dispensers
- pistons
- observers
- redstone dust
- redstone repeater
- Water buckets
- Glass blocks
How to build the farm in Minecraft
1) Building the collection station
Players can start by making the collection and AFK station on the ground. For this, players will have to make a square area with flowing water and three diagonal holes from where the items will be dropped to the player standing underneath it.

2) Tree placement
Next, they will need to place a rooted dirt block underneath the center hole from where the Azalea tree will grow. After this, players need to make a redstone contraption that will push the rooted dirt up one block and then back so that there is room to plant another tree.

3) Redstone contraption activating TNT duper
Once the entire Azalea tree is pushed with the redstone contraption, the same will activate a TNT duper above the tree. This will be connected to glass blocks, taking a redstone signal up to the duper. Alternatively, scaffolding blocks can also be used with an observer to activate it.

Once the TNT duper gets activated, it will drop TNT from a certain height and blow up the tree. Consequently, the tree blocks will drop as items and will flow into the holes due to the water and get collected by the player.
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