A brewing stand is a utility block in Minecraft that is used to make a variety of potions, splash potions, and lingering potions.
Potions in Minecraft are incredibly useful bottled substances that grant consumers powerful effects for a limited time. The effects that potions offer vary greatly, and include unique boons such as water breathing or harmful effects such as weakness.
The common denominator for most potions is that a brewing standing is required to craft them. Luckily for aspiring Minecraft mixologists, brewing stands are actually rather simple to craft and can be encounter naturally inside of some structures.
This article will be breaking down how Minecraft players can craft a brewing stand of their very own.
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How to make a Brewing Stand in Minecraft
In order for Minecraft players to make a brewing stand, they will need to gather all of the required crafting materials first. The necessary components are a blaze rod and three pieces of cobblestone or three pieces of blackstone.
The cobblestone is going to be the most straight forward to acquire, as it can be obtained by mining some of the many stone blocks found throughout Minecraft's Overworld. Minecraft players can successfully mine stone blocks for cobblestone, with just a wooden pickaxe.

Blackstone and blaze rods can both be found in the Nether. Blackstone functions extremely similar to cobblestone, and naturally generates underground in most Nether biomes. Players will also be able to encounter Blackstone in bastion remnants and basalt deltas biomes.
Blaze rods can be acquired by killing blazes, which are most commonly found near their spawners in Nether Fortresses. It may take a few attempts, but killing enough blazes will eventually result in a blaze rod drop.

In order to make a brewing stand, Minecraft players will need to combine a singe blaze rod with three pieces of cobblestone or blackstone at a crafting table.
Players who like to avoid crafting whenever possible are luckily still able to get their hands on brewing stand. These specialty crafting stations can be found naturally generated in end ships, the basements of igloos, and inside of churches found in villages.
It may take a little bit of hunting, but crafting is not always required in order for players to acquire a brewing stand.
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