Clock is one of the many items that a player can use in Minecraft. When players enter the world of Minecraft for the first time, they try to progress quickly. During this time, players can usually tell the time by the color of the sky and the positioning of the sun and moon. However, there is a way to clearly see what time of day it is in the game with the help of the clock.
Since players can simply determine the time of day by looking at the sky, this is one of the least used items in the game. Players hardly craft this in their worlds as they don't need it. However, if players are deep underground and there is no way to look at the sky, they can look at the item to find out the exact time of the day, or players can simply use it as a decoration for their base. Crafting this item in the game is fairly simple as well.
How to craft and use a clock in Minecraft
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How to craft the item
To craft this item in Minecraft, players will first need gold and redstone. A tick is the unit of time in Minecraft. Hence, if players want to make this item, they must have a redstone so that it records the ticks and changes accordingly. Next, players will need gold to make the body of the item.

Gold and redstone can be found underground in the form of ores. Players can get direct redstone dust from mining redstone ore and raw gold from mining gold ore. Raw gold can be smelted to obtain gold ingots that will be used to craft this item.

Players will need to place four gold ingots in a diamond shape on the crafting table, and place a single redstone dust at the center to craft the item. It is a fairly simple method to craft a clock in the game, and hence, any player can do so without putting in too much effort.
How to observe and use it

Unfortunately, this item can only be used to determine the time of day. It cannot be used in any other way in the game. Still, it is quite fascinating to look at the item and observe how it works. The clock is a circle that is divided into two parts that represent night and day. It will turn in a clock-wise manner and will show the sun and moon in each half of the circle. These items will not work in the Nether and End realms in the game as they don't have a time cycle.
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