If a Minecraft house is built anywhere near water, a conduit is something players should really try to get. If players want to spend any time underwater, conduits are extremely helpful. It allows players to breathe underwater, see underwater (and in the dark if it's raining above ground) and they can kill Drowneds too.
Conduits can be tricky to craft and even trickier to fully power. Here's how to make a conduit work in Minecraft.
Conduits in Minecraft
Conduits are crafted with just two items. Players need one heart of the sea and eight nautilus shells. Nautilus shells are the easiest item to acquire. Many Drowneds will drop them when killed, and they can also be fished up.
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Finding a heart of the sea is only possible by uncovering buried treasure. Buried treasure can be difficult to find. Players need to find a buried treasure map. These can be found in shipwrecks or underwater ruins. Feeding dolphins raw cod will lead Minecraft players to shipwrecks.
Once a buried treasure map is found, players will need to go the X and start digging. It can be found anywhere on the X, so it's a wide area that the treasure can be found in. It will have a heart of the sea in it.
Now that all the materials are found and the conduit is crafted, the only thing left is to get prismarine. The only place it can be found is an Ocean Monument, which may require a map from a cartographer villager to find. Once there, players will need to defeat the Guardian and mine a lot of prismarine blocks.
The conduit should be placed one block above the ground. Place a block underneath it and then break it and the conduit will stay. Dig down one block underneath the conduit and place a prismarine block there. Place two more right beside that block going in either direction.

On the last block, build up three blocks and go across, above the conduit, to connect them into a frame. On the vertical pillars, connect more prismarine at a 90 degree angle from the middle block of the frame. Once connected, the conduit will be activated. Adding more frames around in the same fashion will increase the conduit's power.
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