One of Minecraft's most popular servers known as Hypixel Skyblock has a ton of custom content, some of which comes in the form of powerful Dragon Armor for players to equip in combat.
The nice thing about the Dragon Armor sets is that they don't have a crafting requirement, however, they will require a combat level of 16 in order to equip and use effectively (20 for the Superior Dragon Armor set). Each set of Dragon Armor is legendary in quality and improves a different aspect of the Minecraft player's abilities and also provide further bonuses if a full set is equipped. On average, Dragon Armor sets provide 500-600 armor and 350-450 health to Minecraft players.
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Minecraft: Crafting Dragon Armor in Hypixel Skyblock

Each set of Dragon Armor in Hypixel's Minecraft Skyblock server has somewhat different requirements when it comes to crafting pieces. For new players or those that aren't aware, these are the current Dragon Armor sets available:
- Protector Dragon Armor - Full set increases defense of each armor piece by 1% for each percentage of missing HP.
- Old Dragon Armor - Full set increases the strength of Growth, Protection, Feather Falling, Sugar Rush and True Protection enchantments.
- Unstable Dragon Armor - Full set will sometimes randomly strike nearby mobs with lightning.
- Holy Dragon Armor - Full set increases the health regeneration of the player and all other players within a six block radius by three times the normal amount.
- Wise Dragon Armor - Full set reduces the mana cost of abilities by a third.
- Young Dragon Armor - Full set provides Minecraft players with 70% more walking speed when they are above 50% HP.
- Strong Dragon Armor - Full set improves the stats of the Aspect of the End sword, increasing its base damage by 75 and improving distance of Teleport by 2 and its duration for three seconds. Also provides 5 extra strength when casted.
- Superior Dragon Armor - Full set improves most stats by 5% and beefs up the Aspect of the Dragons ability to deal 50% more damage.
In order to fill out their Dragon Armor blueprints, Minecraft players will need to acquire Dragon Fragments from different sources depending on which piece of armor they're looking to create. The requirements for each armor set and where their materials can be acquired within this Minecraft server are below:
- Protector Dragon Armor - 240 Protector Dragon Fragments - Obtained by killing Protector Dragons in The End or buying shards at the Bazaar for 2,779 coins per fragment.
- Old Dragon Armor - 240 Old Dragon Fragments - Acquired by killing Old Dragons in The End or buying shards from the Bazaar at the price of 2,659 coins per fragment.
- Unstable Dragon Armor - 240 Unstable Dragon Shards - Can be earned by killing Unstable Dragons in The End but also sometimes by killing Lost Adventurers wearing the armor in dungeons. Can also be purchased from the Bazaar for the price of 2,521 coins per fragment.
- Holy Dragon Armor - 240 Holy Dragon Fragments - The only way to obtain Holy fragments in loot drops is via killing Lost Adventurers who are wearing Holy Dragon Armor in dungeons. The fragments may also be purchased via the Bazaar for 2,483 coins per piece.
- Wise Dragon Armor - 240 Wise Dragon Fragments - Earned via drops from killing Wise Dragons in The End, can also be purchased from the Bazaar for 13,255 coins per fragment.
- Young Dragon Armor - 240 Young Dragon Fragments - Can be dropped by killing either Young Dragons in The End or Lost Adventurers wearing the armor within dungeons. Minecraft players can also buy fragments from the Bazaar for 2,577 coins per piece.
- Strong Dragon Armor - 240 Strong Dragon Fragments - Can be obtained by killing Strong Dragons in The End or purchasing individual fragments for 13,409 coins per piece.
- Superior Dragon Armor - 240 Superior Dragon Fragments - Earned through loot drops from killing Superior Dragons in The End or Lost Adventurers wearing the armor within dungeons. Can also be bought in the Bazaar for 127,059 coins.
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