Minecraft players have been creating engines of destruction for years, and the TNT cannon is just one excellent example. With a little redstone knowledge and some TNT blocks, players can develop machines capable of launching primed TNT blocks across various distances. These creations are excellent for survival gameplay and PvP when fans need a high amount of firepower.
Although TNT cannons are beloved in Minecraft, they come in several different designs created by the community. Some are much more complex than others, but players who want to create one in a hurry won't need a large amount of blocks or redstone knowledge to do so.
If Minecraft players are curious about creating an incredibly simple TNT cannon, they can do so in just a few steps.
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Steps to make a very simple TNT cannon in Minecraft 1.20+

Regardless of whether Minecraft fans are enjoying the game in Survival or Creative Mode, they can build an effective TNT cannon with a very small list of materials. Obviously, the most important resource for this design will be the TNT, which must be placed in multiple dispensers to work as intended.
To be specific, the required blocks and items that Minecraft players will need for this build are:
- Four dispenser blocks
- At least one stack of TNT blocks
- A water bucket
- A stone pressure plate
- A fence block
- Six pieces of redstone dust
- One redstone torch
- One button of any type
- One extra building block to position a specific dispenser
With all these materials collected, Minecraft players won't need to perform too many steps to create a basic TNT cannon. The basic premise utilizes dispensers to hold a block of TNT in place while dropping another in front of it. An explosion in the center ensues, launching the TNT block in the front into the distance.
Here's how to make a simple TNT cannon:
- Begin by picking a spot to start the build. You'll need some flat land to work with and at least two blocks' worth of height. This shouldn't be an issue as long as you're out in the open.
- Start the build by taking your dispensers and placing three of them facing a 1x1 block area in the center. Then, take your final dispenser and place it above this 1x1 area. You can use the extra block in the material list to do so by stacking it atop one of the existing dispensers and then connecting the final dispenser to it. You can then break the building block at your leisure. Make sure the last dispenser placed is facing straight ahead.
- In front of the 1x1 area, dig down one block deep and place the fence post in the hole. Place the stone pressure plate atop it.
- Walk to the back of the machine and place a button on the rear dispenser and a redstone torch on top of it.
- Atop the left and right dispensers, place redstone dust and continue placing it until it is adjacent to the button on both sides.
- Lastly, take your water bucket and place water in the 1x1 area. You can then fill all of your dispensers with TNT blocks.

After completing all of the steps above, all players have to do is walk around to the back of the machine and press the button. Doing so will drop one TNT block in the center and a second one on the pressure plate. When the first explodes, the second is flung into the distance, where it will detonate.
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