One of the most important resources in Minecraft is experience. Players can use experience points to put powerful enchantments on tools, weapons, and armor and even repair these very same enchanted tools via the mending enchantment. This makes having a reliable XP farm a requirement for any serious Minecraft survival world, and Enderman farms are one of the best XP farms around.
Detailed below is a quick and easy Minecraft Enderman XP farm build that requires next to no resources, meaning it can be built pretty much as soon as the dragon has been defeated.
How to build a starter Enderman farm for Minecraft 1.20
The resources

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This Minecraft farm is, thankfully, a starter farm. This means it is very cheap to create in terms of resources, with the hardest thing to acquire being the sheer volume of leaves required to properly build a teleport-proof version of the farm.
You will need just under nine stacks of leaves, some temporary blocks, water buckets, eighteen slabs, an armor stand, a barrel, a hopper, and two of any of Minecraft's trapdoors.
1) Get to the farm's build location

The first thing you will need to do to build this post-Ender dragon farm is to return to the end dimension and use a water bucket to travel to the bottom of the dimension. Build a pillar down with you, and use it to give yourself a place to stand down at the bottom of the world.
From here, you will need to pillar out away from the end island for a total of 128 leaf blocks. This should place the end island fully outside your spawn radius, meaning Enderman will only spawn in the farm. Of this 128-leaf block bridge, waterlog the last 30 blocks to prevent Enderman from teleporting out of the farm and escaping.
2) Build the kill platform

The next step is to build the kill platform. From the end of the waterlogged bridge, place two leaf blocks. Then, to the sides of these two blocks, place another two rows of two blocks. This should give you a two-by-three rectangle at the end of the bridge. Place a second row of leaves on top.
Then repeat this process, but leave the middle hollow, creating two arms extending from the two edges. Then place a barrel in the bottom of the gap, closest to the waterlogged bridge, and place one of Minecraft's most useful farming items, a hopper, leading into it. Place one leaf block behind this hopper. Put two leaf blocks on top of this one.
3) Build the spawn platform

From this leaf block, build out a 31-block bridge of temporary blocks, placing a leaf block at the end of this bridge. Go back and destroy these temporary blocks so that you end up on the side of the platform with the single-leaf block.
Continue in the same direction for four more leaf blocks. Then, transition to top slabs for 18 blocks. This will give the Enderman a spawn platform surrounded by non-spawnable blocks, further increasing the spawn rates of the farm. Extend this leaf border platform five blocks from each side of this inner spawn platform.
This spawn platform is not waterlogged, so any non-spawnable block will do here, including Minecraft's iconic half slab.
4) Finishing the frame

From here, you will want to face back towards the kill chamber. From the edge of the spawn platform, build a four-block tall staircase one block to the left of the slab spawning platform.

Then, build a 29-block-long bridge out of leaves back towards the killing platform, lined directly up with it. We want there to be a one-block gap between the new bridge and the killing platform, as this is the gap through which you will aggro Enderman. Next, build up three leaf blocks on each side of the killing platform and add a roof. Be sure to leave the gap for Enderman to drop into the kill chamber.

The final part of this Minecraft farm's outer frame is the catch chamber. Build up two blocks around the Enderman hole, and then add some leaf blocks toward the bridge, creating arms that keep overflowing Enderman from falling into the void.
Waterlog all top leaves, the bridge, and the staircase, so Enderman cannot teleport. The spawn platform should be far enough away to avoid teleportation issues.
5) The farm's inner workings

The final pieces required are the bits of the farm that ensure its proper functioning. Place two trapdoors above the barrel. Open the top one and place an armor stand. Then, re-close this top trapdoor. This farm is now complete.

This basic Enderman farm works by allowing you to line up against one of the walls of the kill chamber. From here, you can look at the Enderman across the bridge. This will aggro them to you, drawing them into the chamber.
You can attack the armor stand to deal minor damage to the group through sweeping attacks. Entity cramming will kill them quickly, with your damage meaning you get XP from it.
With the farm complete, your XP worries should be long behind you, with Enderman being one of the best ways to gain experience points in Minecraft.
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