Fireworks are a fun and exciting feature in Minecraft.
Minecraft fireworks can be used for a few different things. They can help players fly with elytras and be used as ammunition in crossbows. Explosive fireworks can even create a beautiful fireworks show.
Uniquely, there are multiple different ways to craft explosive firework rockets in Minecraft, and each recipe yields different results. Players can decide for themselves what kind of effect a firework will have during the crafting process.
They may seem complicated, but explosive fireworks can be quite simple to make. The following is a simple guide on how to create explosive fireworks in Minecraft.
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How to make Minecraft explosive fireworks
Firework rockets

The first step to creating an exploding firework in Minecraft is to craft a firework rocket. As mentioned, there are multiple ways to do this, but not all of them will cause the rocket to have an explosion effect.
The only materials needed to craft firework rockets are paper and gunpowder. Only one of each is required to make three rockets, but the more gunpowder used in the crafting recipe, the longer the firework rocket will last when activated.
To make a firework rocket have an explosion effect, there is one more ingredient needed - a firework star.
Firework stars

Adding firework stars to the crafting recipe when making firework rockets will in turn give them an explosive effect. But first, firework stars can be customized prior to being added into a firework rocket.
Firework stars can be crafted in a number of different combinations. The minimum required materials to craft a firework star are gunpowder and dye. The color dye will determine the color of the firework explosion.
There is a short list of other ingredients that will further customize a firework rocket’s explosion. These intricacies can determine details like shape and style of an explosion.
Customization options

The following is a list of crafting ingredients that can be used to customize firework stars. These items can be combined together in various capacities, creating firework explosions with multiple effects at once.
Optional firework star ingredients for explosion customization:
- Fire charge: will make explosion bigger and louder
- Gold nugget: explosion will be shaped like a star
- Mob/player head: explosion will look like that mob/player’s head shape
- Feather: explosion will have a softer burst
- Glowstone dust: will make explosion twinkle and crackle
- Diamond: explosion will leave behind a trail
Gamers should note: fire charges, gold nuggets, heads, and feathers cannot be used in the same firework rocket recipe. Any one of those ingredients can be combined with diamonds and/or glowstone dust, however.
Finally, the original color of a Minecraft firework can be changed mid-explosion with one last step. Simply take a crafted firework star and place it into a crafting area with another color dye. This will add a color fade effect. Plus, multiple dyes can even be added at this stage. The more colors of dye added, the more colors will be seen in the firework.
Check out this video by BlenDigi on YouTube for a tutorial on creating a full-blown fireworks show in Minecraft:
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