Gold farms are one of the best farms in all of Minecraft. These Nether-based farms take advantage of the fact that zombified piglins all become hostile to a player that attacks one. This allows for dozens of these mobs to be funneled into farms, where they can be killed for rotten flesh and golden nuggets. These nuggets can be converted into ingots and used to power a piglin bartering farm.
There are many different gold farm designs out there, some of which are quite complex and expensive to craft. However, even a simple zombified piglin farm can be very efficient. Detailed below is a set of instructions for creating a very inexpensive starter gold farm for Minecraft 1.21.
How to make a starter Minecraft 1.21 gold farm

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The materials needed to craft this simple gold farm are incredibly cheap. You'll only need eight hoppers, four chests, 10 trapdoors, four Minecraft ladders, and about a stack of building blocks.
1) Dig out a pit

Once you've collected the resources required to build the farm, it's time to start construction. Begin by digging a three-block-deep pit that's a total of five blocks long and three blocks wide. This is all the space needed for the farm.
2) Create the collection system

Hop down into this pit and place a chest in the center of one of the longer sides. Place a second chest to the left of this first one, and then add a second double chest on the floor to the left. Connect the two double chests with some hoppers. This will be where the rotten flesh, golden nuggets, and other items dropped by zombified piglins will be stored.
Next, build the platform that the zombified piglins will die on. Place six Minecraft hoppers down, connected to the first chest you set down. These hoppers should end up forming a 2x3 area.
3) Block off the hopper platform

The next step is to add three solid blocks, flush with the ground, between the hoppers and the chests. Then place three trapdoors along the bottom of these blocks. This will prohibit any baby zombified piglins from escaping the farm and attacking you.
4) Add trapdoors

Dig a temporary Minecraft staircase to return to ground level. Place six trapdoors over the 2x3 hopper platform and open them. This will trick angry zombified piglins into thinking that they can reach you, causing them to run into the pit.
5) Seal off the killing area

The next step is to add walls and a roof to the farm. This will keep angry zombified piglins from rushing into the kill chamber and attacking you. The roof will also ensure that wandering ghasts don't see you and shoot explosive fireballs your way.
Leave the side of the farm with the trapdoors open to allow zombified piglins to wander into the collection area. Also, add a wall to the center of the farm. None of the hostile Minecraft mobs entering the farm should be able to make it over, but extra safety measures are never a bad thing.
6) Add a way in and out

Before totally sealing up the roof, throw in a ladder so you can come and go from the Minecraft farm easily. Place a trapdoor at the top of the ladder to ensure the roof is still impossible for mobs to get through.
7) Start farming

You'll need to cause a zombified piglin to enter its Minecraft anger mode to start the farm. This is safely done with a ranged weapon, such as a bow, crossbow, or trident. That said, it can also be done by hitting one in melee and quickly running away. Take your time when killing those on the farm, as this gives a chance for more to spawn and become hostile to you.
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