Maps are items in Minecraft that can be crafted using a compass and eight pieces of paper. While their main purpose in Minecraft is to help players navigate, maps have a variety of other in-game uses. One of these uses is making map art.
Map art is a type of art that Minecraft players can create in-game by placing specific blocks at certain points within a map’s visible area. Minecraft players can create images that the map will then display. Map art is a great way for players to express themselves in-game, but it’s a difficult and complicated process. Because of this, it can be easy for players to feel intimidated by it. Want to create map art but don’t know how? Here’s our guide to help you get started.
How to make map art in Minecraft
Understanding maps in Minecraft
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Players who want to make map art in Minecraft will need to have a detailed understanding of maps and chunk placement work in-game.
A standard map in Minecraft represents 8x8 chunks. Each chunk is 16x16 blocks. Since Minecraft maps are typically 128x128 pixels in size, this means that each pixel represents a single block of in-game land.
Maps can show variations in block type and elevation, and blocks will be represented by lighter colors the higher up that they are in elevation. Minecraft players can use this to incorporate some shading into their map art.
Maps do not start their display from the point that they’re created. Instead, they show the entire 8x8 chunk where the player is located. This means that players will need to manually locate the edges of their map’s display before they begin building.
1) Outline your map

Before you start building, you will need to mark the edges of your map. You can do this by placing blocks in each corner of the map or take it a step further and create a border around the map's perimeter.
Players running Minecraft Java Edition can make things simpler and use the “F3+G” command to see a grid of the chunk that they’re currently standing in.
2) Create a flat area

Because elevation can affect a block's display color on a map, Minecraft players may want to have a flat area for their artwork to be built on. This can be done by hand or by using TNT.
3) Build your artwork

Once players have sufficient space to build on, they can start to create their artwork. Players can use all sorts of blocks to build and can check their map to see if their block placement is correct.
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