Mushrooms are very unique plants in Minecraft. They can be used to make several different food types, including suspicious stew, which is capable of applying several different potion effects. They're also needed to make fermented spider eyes, which are used to convert zombie villages, one of the most important parts of villager trading.
Everything you need to know about making a mushroom farm in Minecraft can be found detailed below.
Mushroom farming mechanics

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Mushrooms in Minecraft are not just unique due to their uses. They are also planted in a very unique way. They can be placed on, and will grow on, many different block types, but only if the light level of the block is less than 12.
However, this doesn't consider the current light level but rather the block's light level during the day. This means that you'll need to make a sealed room to farm these organisms.
Mushrooms are also very unique in how they're grown and farmed. A planted mushroom has a 4% chance of spreading to a nearby block when receiving a random tick. However, for this to happen, there needs to be less than five mushrooms of the same color within a 9x9x3 space around the original one.
How to make a Minecraft mushroom farm
1) Gather materials

A simple mushroom farm needs to be a sealed-off room. The easiest way to do this is to dig out a chamber in the ground.
Using an enchanted Minecraft pickaxe will cut down on the amount of time this will take. You'll also need at least one red and one brown mushroom to start the farm. These can be found in many different places. They spawn commonly on the Nether's bedrock roof, can be found in structures like witch huts and woodland mansions, and even appear naturally in biomes like swamps.
Tinted glass is an optional component of the farm. It will allow you to see into the farm to check on mushroom growth without allowing light to seep inside.
2) Dig out mushroom chambers

You'll next need to dig out the planting rooms. As mentioned previously, there needs to be less than five of a color of mushroom in a 9x9x3 area around the original mushroom to spread. This means that it's possible to stack alternating mushroom variety farms to save some space.
Each planted mushroom will need four blocks of empty space on each side to form this nine-by-nine area. This means that you'll be planting a mushroom every five blocks. Consider this when adding this farm to your Minecraft survival base. This example mushroom farm contains enough space to plant five mushroomsand is a total of 29x9x3 blocks in size.
3) Add lights

You'll next need to add some lights to the growing chambers to stop hostile Minecraft mobs from spawning.
Regular torches will be too bright and will stop you from being able to plant mushrooms. Instead, you'll need to use soul torches, which have a maximum brightness of only 10.
4) Plant mushrooms

Once you've added some soul torches, you'll need to plant some Minecraft mushrooms. The easiest way to get the centering right is to count out to the center of the room depth-wise and then add an easy-to-see block every five blocks. This will show you where you need to plant.
Make sure to alternate colors of mushrooms so that they don't interfere with each other's growing range.
5) Wait

All you'll need to do now is wait. As previously mentioned, each of these mushrooms will have a 4% chance of spreading when a random tick happens on the block.
If this rate isn't fast enough, this Minecraft farm design can be expanded on with extra layers or rooms, which should drastically increase spread speed.
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