Minecraft is a world that is only limited by the player's imagination. They can build great structures, play with friends, and even modify the whole Minecraft world. Out of these possibilities, there is an interesting block in the game that not many people know of and they're called Note Blocks.
Note blocks let players play a certain note belonging to different instruments. With these nifty blocks, players can even make full length instrumental music in Minecraft.
How to make music in Minecraft using Note blocks
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What is a Note Block
A note block is a type of wooden block in Minecraft from which a certain note of an instrument is played. When you right click the note block, it will change the notes of the instrument, and when left clicking, it will play that particular note.
Different instruments played on note blocks
Note blocks play different instruments too. Note blocks can play notes from different instruments based on which block they are placed. For example, if placed on wood they will play Bass guitar, and if on a stone block, they will play Bass drum.

Here is a full list of blocks on which the note blocks can be placed and which instruments they will play.
- Wood - Bass Guitar
- Sand or Gravel - Snare Drum
- Glass - Clicks and sticks
- Stones - Bass drum
- Gold Block - Bells
- Clay - Flute
- Packed Ice - Chimes
- Wool - Guitar
- Bone Block - Xylophone
- Iron Block - Vibraphone
- Soul Sand - Cow bell
- Pumpkin - Didgeridoo
- Emerald Block - Bit (Square wave)
- Hay Bale - Banjo
- Glowstone - Electric Piano
- Any other block - Harp/Piano
How to make music with multiple notes
A player can put down multiple note blocks, join them with a redstone repeater and redstone dust, then play the first block. This way, multiple notes can be played in one go. Players can also set the time between two note blocks by tweaking the redstone repeater.

With this, players can make various note block contraptions and compose music with the combination of different notes. Players can make a drum note block circuit containing notes from various drums. You can sync them with a guitar note block circuit to create music in Minecraft. Like so, people can make huge note block contraptions with redstone.
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