The trident in Minecraft is a particularly unique weapon, bridging the gap between ranged and melee battle implements. However, with the right enchantments, players can have a truly overpowered weapon on their hands that can excel at taking down targets both up close and at a distance. Moreover, in a thunderstorm, this particular trident can become even more deadly.
With that in mind, it doesn't hurt to examine some of the best enchantments to add together onto a trident to make it very overpowered in Minecraft. Players are always free to customize their weapon as they wish, but these enchantments will guarantee an incredibly powerful trident that can last through countless conflicts.
NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.
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Enchantments to add to your trident to make it overpowered in Minecraft
1) Loyalty

Obtained from enchanting tables, raid mobs (in Bedrock Edition), and enchanted books from looting structures, looting dungeon monster rooms, fishing, and librarian villagers, Loyalty is perfect for players who love throwing tridents. It allows the trident to return to its owner when thrown, so players won't have to worry about retrieving their trident in the heat of battle.
Loyalty can also stack with the Channeling enchantment, and when both are used in a thunderstorm, players can essentially throw their trident and call down lightning on their target all while retrieving their trident afterward with no effort.
2) Channeling

Channeling in Minecraft might be a situational enchantment, but it's a potent one that deserves to be on an overpowered trident. When a thunderstorm is active, Channeling activates and allows players who throw their trident to call down a lightning strike when the trident hits a mob. Additionally, in Bedrock Edition, Channeling tridents can also be thrown at lightning rods to call down lightning.
The Channeling enchantment can be obtained via the enchanting table as well as by trading with librarian villagers, fishing, or looting one of the following structures' loot chests:
- Desert Temple
- Ocean Ruin
- Stronghold
- Woodland Mansion
- Pillager Outpost
- Ancient City
- Mineshaft
- Dungeon
- Jungle Pyramid
Additionally, players can find the Channeling enchantment periodically by unlocking vaults in Minecraft 1.21 and above's trial chamber structures.
3) Impaling

Impaling works a bit differently between editions of Minecraft, but it's a valuable enchantment on an OP trident either way. In Java Edition, Impaling allows the trident to deal extra melee and ranged damage against aquatic mobs including axolotls, dolphins, guardians, elder guardians, squids, glow squids, tadpoles, turtles, and fish, but it really shines when used in Bedrock Edition.
In Bedrock, Impaling deals extra damage to any target that's wet including those underwater, standing in water, being carried by moving water, or even standing in the rain, making it a much more reliable damage boost. Like most enchantments for the trident, Impaling can be obtained from the enchanting table, raid mob drops in Bedrock, librarian villager trades, fishing, and non-village structure loot chests.
4) Mending

Mending is a rare enchantment, not appearing in enchanting tables and solely via enchanted books found in jungle temples, strongholds, ancient cities, via fishing, via raid drops in Bedrock Edition, or trading with librarian villagers. However, the enchantment is well worth the effort due to its ability to repair enchanted items when the player picks up experience orbs.
While Unbreaking isn't a bad enchantment for an OP trident, with Mending, players won't need to worry about repairing their weapon manually unless they want to. Even a basic XP farm is more than enough to keep a player's trident repaired automatically for the foreseeable future.
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