Minecraft is a sandbox game that is designed to be blocky. There are quite a few mods that take away the blocky feel from it and make it more realistic by adding more curves to everything.
Even if the player tried to, creating a perfect circle using normal blocks is impossible. However, there is a way of creating a perfect circle with the help of commands.
A guide to making a perfect circle in Minecraft
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To do this, players need to use six command blocks that will perform various tasks. Together, they will generate countless armor stands equipped with a sand block as headgear. Players can change the block id in the command to generate armor stands wearing a different block.
Step 1: Place six command blocks vertically on top of each other. To get them, type "/give <your username> command_block" in the chat window.
Step 2: Select the correct mode and enter the commands in each command block from top to bottom as follows:
- (Impulse) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=circle,distance=..10] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p
- (Chain) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..2,limit=1] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~
- (Chain) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..3,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-7 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:["circle"],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
- (Chain) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..4,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-6.5 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3.5 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:["circle"],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
- (Repeating) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..5,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-6.5 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:["circle"],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
- (Impulse) - summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~6 ~ {Tags:["center"]}
Step 3: Set the top and bottom command blocks to "Needs Redstone" and the rest to "Always Active."
Step 4: Place a button on the topmost command block and a lever on the second last command block.
Once the player has followed the above steps correctly, pulling the lever placed on the command block will generate a circle of sand blocks around the pillar of command blocks. Pressing the button at the top will make the edges of the circle smoother. Players can then break the command blocks.
Note: The commands mentioned in this article were created by popular Minecraft YouTuber Eagle MCraft.
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