A smoker is a utility block in Minecraft that can be used to cook food items two times faster than a furnace.
Everyone gets hungry and needs to eat, especially in the world of Minecraft. As the hunger bar depletes players lose the ability to sprint and regenerate health. If hunger bar ever hits 0, players will start losing health and possibly even die on Hard difficulty.
In order to avoid an untimely demise, players can cook up some food for themselves in order to consume. A smoker is a great option as it will allow Minecraft players to quickly cook food items, which is much faster than using a furnace. Luckily, smokers are rather simple to craft and only require four pieces of wood and a furnace.
This article will be breaking down how to craft a smoker in Minecraft and discuss how to use one as well.
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How to make a smoker in Minecraft
In order for Minecraft players to make a smoker, they will need to gather all the necessary crafting components first. A majority of players are probably already familiar with furnaces, so that would be a good place to start.

A furnace is quick to make, and only requires players to combine eight pieces of cobblestone at a crafting table. Cobblestone can be gathered by mining stone blocks found all across the biomes of Minecraft.
Players will need any four logs, stripped logs, wood, or stripped wood. The combination that each players decides to use is up to them, and will not impact their ability to craft a smoker.
Players could use one spruce wood, a jungle log, a stripped oak wood, and an acacia stripped log. The combination and variation types of wood is irrelevant, so long as the components used are a log, stripped log, wood, or stripped wood. However, wooden planks can not be used to craft a smoker.

To craft a smoker, players will need to combine their four pieces of chosen wood and a furnace at a crafting table.
Smokers can also be found naturally generated in the game inside of butcher houses in villages.
Using a Smoker

Now that players have their hands on a smoker, it's time to cook up something tasty to eat. For demonstration a raw porkchop was turned into a cooked porkchop by using a smoker in the image depicted.
Minecraft players just need to place the uncooked piece of food in the smoker and add-in a fuel source such as coal. A few moments later, the cooked piece of food will be created.
Congratulations! Minecraft players now know how to craft and use a smoker.
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