Squid are a strange mob in Minecraft. Despite having nearly no AI, to the point where they consistently beach themselves, and almost no unique features or interactions, these mobs are incredibly important to survival players. They're the most consistent source of ink in the entire game, making them necessary to hunt down for any players wanting to use black dye in large amounts.
Thankfully, Bedrock players can farm squids quite efficiently and easily. Everything you need to know about setting up a squid farm can be found detailed below.
How to make a Minecraft Bedrock squid farm

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Bedrock squid farms are surprisingly expensive. You'll need several Minecraft hoppers, rails, powered rails, and several stacks of magma cubes. Thankfully, iron and gold are both quite easy to get in large numbers thanks to farms. This means the farm shouldn't be that expensive for most survival worlds.
You must also make sure to build this farm over an ocean Minecraft biome to make sure that squid can spawn. Additionally, building high up in the sky will prevent squids from spawning in the ocean, pushing the farm's rates even higher.
1) Build the collection system

The first step when making a Minecraft farm for squids is to make the collection system. Place down a double chest and add two hoppers over it. Add two more hoppers to each side. This should, if placed correctly, create two separate three-hopper systems to collect ink sacs.
2) Add a rail system

You'll next want to build the rail system that will run underneath the farm. The ink sacs will be collected via hopper minecarts, so this system will need to be one-to-one with the foundation of the farm. Make sure to add Minecraft powered rails on each row to keep the minecart moving. Additionally, ensure that the rail links back up with itself at the end to allow the hopper minecarts to loop.
3) Add the magma cube floor

Now that you've got the rail system added in, go through and place magma blocks over them. This will leave a nice gap for the minecarts while creating the killing floor of the farm. This example farm features a 12x12 magma block foundation, but any size would work.
These magma blocks will pull any squids that spawn downwards, eventually killing them. This acts as both the Minecraft mob collection system and killing chamber for the farm, making the building process quite simple.
4) Add walls and fill with water

Once you've added the magma blocks, the final step to building the farm itself is to incorporate walls and water. These walls can be any block. This example farm used glass, as it allows the squids to be seen as they spawn inside the farm. If you use a block that mobs can spawn on, do add carpet, slabs, or torches to make them spawnproof.
The easiest way to add water to the farm is to place source blocks along one wall and then another line along one of the two perpendicular walls. These source blocks will end up next to each other diagonally, which causes a chain reaction, forming water source blocks across the entire farm. You'll want to build these walls and ponds up until they are three blocks deep.
5) Make an AFK room

While the farm is technically finished, there's one more useful addition. That's an AFK room. This is an enclosed space you can stay in while the game is running that will keep you safe from any Minecraft phantoms that spawn.
You'll want to build this platform roughly 20 blocks out from the rest of the farm. This should leave you close enough to spawn squids, but far enough away that mobs will consistently spawn.
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