One of the most common solid blocks in Minecraft is stone. As soon as you dig deeper from the surface level in the Overworld realm, you will start seeing them in abundance. Before the 1.19 Wild update, the most common underground block was stone. As of now, deepslate blocks are more abundant after Mojang shifted down the bedrock layer.
Here are all the blocks that can be crafted with the regular stone block in the game.
All the stone blocks that can be crafted in Minecraft
Regular stone blocks

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At first, you will not be able to obtain the naturally generated stone blocks since mining them will yield cobblestone. However, there are two ways to obtain them easily. One is to smelt cobblestone in a furnace, and the second is to mine naturally generated stone blocks with a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch.
If you do not have silk touch enchantment, which is slightly rare, you can easily obtain stone blocks by smelting cobblestone. After obtaining the enchantment, you can even create a stone generator with water and lava to easily obtain several stacks of these blocks.
Stone stairs

When regular stone blocks are obtained, they can also be crafted into other kinds of stone blocks. One of the first things to do is make a stair out of them. This requires six stone blocks to be placed in a stair-like shape on the crafting table, as showcased in the picture above. This crafting recipe crafts four stone stairs at once.
Stone slabs

The next block that can be crafted are slabs. These can be crafted by placing three stone blocks in a horizontal line on the crafting table. This recipe yields six stone slabs at once. When two are placed on top of each other, they look exactly like a regular stone block.
Stone pressure plate

You can also craft a stone pressure plate by placing two regular stone blocks horizontally on the crafting table. The pressure plates can automate certain redstone-activated blocks whenever an entity steps on them.
Stone buttons

Stone buttons are the simplest to craft since they only require one stone block to be placed on a crafting table. These blocks can also be used to activate certain redstone powered blocks when you press on them.
Stone bricks

Stone bricks are one of the most famous blocks, as they are excellent for being used in structures. They can be crafted by placing four regular stone blocks in a square formation on the crafting table.
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