In Minecraft, you usually create a base to keep all your possessions and turn it into your virtual home. While some make a utilitarian build, others create various decorative pieces that are not even present in the game. One such make-believe decoration that you can create is a TV. Even though the vanilla version does not have a TV in it, players have figured out a way to create one.
Moreover, some modders in the community also have created mods that add TV and other multimedia features to Minecraft itself.
Here is a short guide on making a make-believe TV in the game and how to find TV-related mods.
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Steps to make a TV in Minecraft
1) Find a suitable location for a TV and place two armor stands

First, you must find or create a suitable location for a big TV in your base. It can be near the entrance of the house, which usually houses the living area in real-life homes.
Once you find a suitable location, place two armor stands two blocks away from each other adjacent to the wall as shown in the picture above. These armor stands will essentially act as TV stands. You can also make a much simpler TV if you don't want armor stands and want your TV to look like it's wall-mounted.
2) Push black concrete blocks into the armor stands

After placing both armor stands, you must create black concrete with black concrete powder and water. These concrete blocks need to be pushed downward into the armor stands from the top. This is also depicted in the picture above. You will need to place a piston facing down towards the armor stands, while being two blocks above.
Then, place two black concrete blocks vertically on the piston and activate it with a redstone block or torch. The piston will push both black concrete blocks into the armor stand.
3) Place black concrete between armor stands and apply a large painting

After the armor stands are covered with black concrete blocks, the space between the two can also be filled with black concrete. This will compete with your make-believe TV. Following this, you can get a painting and stick it to the TV. It is worth mentioning that you will have to find the 4x2 painting that will perfectly fit the screen size in this particular build.
TV mods for Minecraft

Apart from building make-believe TVs in Minecraft, you can also get an actual TV in the game through mods. The community has come up with various third-party features that create actual TV and even projectors in the sandbox. These will have real crafting recipes and a technique to play any video or even surf the web to play any media inside the game.
Some of the best TV mods for Minecraft are Waterframes: Multimedia Displays and WebDisplays.
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