An axe is one of the most important tools in Minecraft. It helps players chop any type of wooden block in the game, and also helps players fight. As soon as players enter the game, they start by chopping down wood and making a set of wooden tools to start with, including this tool.
This tool can be crafted with two sticks and three planks, cobblestone, gold, iron, and diamonds (the netherite one is made differently). Apart from being an essential tool for breaking certain blocks, it is also used as a powerful weapon for fighting hostile mobs and other players. Players can make the ultimate axe in Minecraft if they have certain items and enchantments.
A guide to make the ultimate axe in Minecraft
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Crafting a netherite axe
In the game, players can make an axe with several materials, from wood all the way to the netherite. If players aim to make the strongest tool possible, they shouldn't look further than the netherite.

Netherite is the strongest material in the game for making any tool, weapon or armor. Obtaining them is equally tricky as players need to venture deep into the Nether to find the ultra-rare Ancient Debris blocks from which this material is extracted. After players make a netherite ingot, they can use a smithing table to upgrade a diamond tool to a netherite one.
Enchanting the tool
After making the tool with the strongest material, the time to enchant it arrives. The game offers various types of enchantments for the tool. Though players can choose the enchantment according to their choice, however if they are aiming to make the ultimate item for breaking blocks and fighting, they must go for these particular enchantments:

1) Fortune 3
This enchantment will ensure that the tool yields the maximum number of dropped items from a single block.
2) Efficiency 5
This will simply help the tool break blocks a lot quicker than normal.
3) Unbreaking 3
This enchantment will prevent the tool from breaking quickly and increase the overall durability.
4) Mending
This treasure enchantment enables the tool to repair itself with the help of XP points gathered by the player. It essentially makes the tool relatively immortal.
5) Sharpness 5
This combat enchantment increases the overall attack strength of the tool and makes it a lethal weapon for fighting hostile mobs and other players.
Though there are many other combat-related enchantments like Power, Smite, Fire Aspect and more. However, some of these enchantments are mutually incompatible. Players can choose any other combat enchantment as per their needs, but sharpness has proven to be the best while fighting anything in the game.
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