Minecraft has become one of the most popular sandbox games of all time since it was released over a decade ago. The game has consistently received major updates, due to which it now possesses a plethora of different items.
Using basic items, players can craft new equipment. The list of craftable items in Minecraft is huge, and one of the items on the list is an armor stand.
Armor stand in Minecraft 1.19
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Armor stands in Minecraft are mostly used as decorations inside the player's base. It is a unique element that players use to hold armor items, elytra, and mob heads. It has been in the game since the 1.8 update, and changes have only been made to its texture and model.
How to get an armor stand

This intriguing item can be acquired in two ways: Players can either collect naturally generated armor stands from a village, or they can craft one themselves.
Villages generated in taiga biomes may have two armor stands, one with an iron helmet and the other with an iron chest plate. Like the majority of other things in Minecraft, players can break and collect armor stands.

Finding a village with armor stands is not an ideal way of acquiring it. Luckily, crafting this item is very easy as it requires only sticks and a smooth stone slab. By placing six sticks and a slab on the crafting table, as shown, players can get themselves an armor stand.
How to use armor stands

Once the player puts down a stand, they can right-click on it with a wearable item equipped to place it on the stand. Since armor stands are entities, Java Edition players can also use commands to summon them anywhere. Furthermore, they can use NBT tags to summon them with unique customizations.
Bedrock Edition players can also change the pose of an armor stand by sneaking and interacting with it or using redstone circuits
Armor stand with arms

Regular armor stands that the player crafts in the game does not have hands. However, using commands, a new armor stand with hands that can hold items can be summoned in the Java Edition.

This will only work if the player's Minecraft world has cheats enabled, which can be done on the World Creation screen.
Cheats can additionally be enabled in pre-existing single-player worlds by clicking on the "Open to Lan" option on the pause menu and then clicking on the "Allow cheats" option. After that, players need to select the "Start LAN World" option.

The command to summon armor stands with hands is "/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}". Another cool variant, which is smaller than a regular armor stand, can also be summoned using commands. To do so, players need to type "/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Small:1}" in the chat window.
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