With the Minecraft 1.18 update, the caves in the game are getting a lot bigger and a lot more dangerous to traverse. Hence, players might need a night vision potion as they venture deep into the dark caves.
Minecraft has an extensive system for brewing different kinds of potions. These potions have various effects on players and mobs. Some of them give magical powers to players, while others can deal damage to hostile mobs and enemies. As the Minecraft 1.18 version vastly expands caves, a night vision potion might come in handy while exploring huge dark caves.
Night vision potions in Minecraft 1.18: How to make and use them
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Items needed for Night vision potion
Brewing potions is not an easy job in Minecraft 1.18. Players will need to have a bunch of items to start with. To brew a night vision potion, players will need to have the following items:
- Brewing stand: Made from one blaze rod and three cobblestone blocks. Brewing stands can also be found in villages.
- Nether Warts: Essential item to make any potions. It can only be found in the Nether Fortress.
- Blaze powder: Acts as an essential feul to make any potions. It can be crafted from blaze rods.
- Water bottle: A glass bottle filled with water
How to make Night vision potion
To make a potion of night vision, first players will need to make an awkward potion with the help of brewing stand, nether wart and a water bottle. After making the awkward potion, it can be further brewed with a golden carrot to obtain the night vision potion.
When players make a night vision potion, it will only have a duration of 3 minutes. If players want to extend the duration of the potion's effect, they can further brew the potion with some redstone dust. This will extend the duration of the potion's effect to 8 minutes.
Players can drink the night vision potion and will be able to see everything in the dark. They will also be able to see underwater, as the potion removes the water fog as well. This will greatly help players while exploring the huge dark caves in Minecraft 1.18 version.
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