Minecraft 1.21 has shaped up to be one of the most exciting updates in recent years. The trial chambers, along with the vault blocks and trial spawners within are laying an exciting foundation for future content, while the new mace weapon and bad omen overhaul came as surprises. Another unexpected change coming with 1.21 are four new potions to round out Minecraft's amazing potion list.
The most interesting of these potions is the weaving potion, which causes affected mobs to explode into cobwebs when killed. It has the unique effect of making cobwebs renewable and farmable, useful for builders who enjoy using them as decoration. Detailed below is how to make a weaving potion in Minecraft.
How to make Minecraft's new weaving potion
1) Get a brewing stand

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The first thing you need to do to brew up any of Minecraft 1.21's new potions is get a brewing stand. There are two main ways to do this. The first is to loot a basement igloo or a village, one of Minecraft's best structures. Any village church will have a brewing stand in it.
The second way to get a brewing stand is to craft one. This is done with three stone-tier blocks and a blaze rod. This requires a trip to the Nether, as they can only be acquired by killing blaze.
2) Find ingredients

However, a trip to the Nether is necessary for two reasons. The first is that the blaze rods are also used to power brewing stands via blaze powder. The second is that weaving potions use awkward potions as a base, which are brewed using nether wart, found only within Nether fortresses.
The ingredient needed to convert this awkward potion into a weaving potion is a cobweb block. These blocks generate naturally within mineshafts, strongholds, basement igloos, abandoned villages, and elusive Minecraft woodland mansion spider spawner rooms. You'll need to use shears to obtain the cobweb, as using any other method to break it will either drop string or nothing.
Other than that, you need to smelt some sand to make glass bottles for the water bottles used as the potion's foundation. Since potions are brewed in sets of three, any multiple of three water bottles is recommended to maximize the efficiency of ingredient use.
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3) Brew some awkward potions

You can start the actual brewing process by placing water bottles at the bottom of the brewing stand's UI. From here, add a few pieces of blaze powder into the stand's fuel slot to power the alchemy. The final step to brewing awkward potions is to place nether wart in the ingredient slot. This will slowly convert the water bottles into awkward potions.
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4) Weave those potions

The awkward potions can be left in the brewing stand, as the input and output slots are shared. All you need to do now is put a cobweb into the ingredient slot to replace the used-up nether wart. This will similarly convert the awkward potions into weaving potions.
While the potions are done, there are a few other ingredients you can add to make them much better. The first two modify the potion's effect, with redstone extending an effect's duration and glowstone making potions more powerful.
The next two ingredients change how potions are applied. Using gunpowder on a potion will turn it into a splash potion while adding in Minecraft's ender dragon breath will turn that splash potion into an AoE Lingering potion.
Also read: How to play Minecraft 1.21 update features in Bedrock and Java Edition
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